David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios


Conoce a David…

David Vance es el estratega nacional de medios de Common Cause. Trabaja con el personal a nivel nacional y estatal para generar medios que amplifiquen la voz y promuevan estratégicamente la agenda de reforma democrática de la organización nacional y sus 35 oficinas estatales.

Antes de unirse a Common Cause en 2016, David pasó una década como director de comunicaciones e investigación en el Campaign Legal Center, trabajando en cuestiones de financiación de campañas, derechos de voto y ética gubernamental. Durante su tiempo allí, el perfil mediático de la organización creció exponencialmente y en 2014 recibió un premio MacArthur a las instituciones creativas y efectivas.

David tiene una amplia experiencia en relaciones públicas y periodismo. Se desempeñó como director de asuntos públicos para una asociación comercial internacional y trabajó para dos firmas de relaciones públicas en Washington, DC, donde se ocupó de asuntos públicos, relaciones públicas y cuestiones de crisis tanto a nivel nacional como internacional para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos, asociativos y sin fines de lucro.

Antes de ingresar al campo de las relaciones públicas, David trabajó para varias agencias de noticias en Washington, DC, WCAX-TV en Burlington, Vermont y The Washington Post.

David es oriundo de Washington, DC y tiene una maestría en derecho de la Escuela de Periodismo Medill de la Universidad Northwestern y una maestría en bellas artes en escritura creativa de la Universidad George Mason.

Lo último de David Vance

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Stay of Order to Redraw Pennsylvania Congressional Districts in Victory for Fair Maps

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U.S. Supreme Court Denies Stay of Order to Redraw Pennsylvania Congressional Districts in Victory for Fair Maps

Today the United State Supreme Court denied the request in League of Women Voters vs Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a stay of an order by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, that the legislature redraw congressional district lines because they violated the state constitution.

Nunes Memo Release Irresponsible and Blatantly Partisan with a Matter of National Security

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Nunes Memo Release Irresponsible and Blatantly Partisan with a Matter of National Security

Americans deserve the truth about the full scope of the Russia investigation, not a short memo that peddles a Trump transition team member’s selectively-sourced conspiracy theories. But now that the committee's GOP-commissioned memo has been released, despite the FBI’s "grave concerns" regarding its accuracy, the Democrats’ memo rebutting it and the material underlying both must be made public immediately.

Trump Bets Against Voters: Ignores Russia’s Attack on Our Democracy

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Trump Bets Against Voters: Ignores Russia’s Attack on Our Democracy

President Trump bet against the American people tonight. He is wagering Americans will forget our democracy was attacked by Russia and that his administration has done nothing to prevent further attack. He believes we will overlook his attempt to obstruct the investigation into his campaign and administration's connections to Russia.

Speaker Ryan Must Curb House Intelligence Chair’s Efforts to Undermine FBI Russia Investigation

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Speaker Ryan Must Curb House Intelligence Chair’s Efforts to Undermine FBI Russia Investigation

Americans deserve to know the truth about the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential election but House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) has made every effort – including tonight -- to discredit the investigation and whitewash what has already come to light.

Common Cause Files & Coordinates Bipartisan Amici in Landmark Supreme Court Challenge to Maryland Democrats’ Partisan Gerrymander

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Common Cause Files & Coordinates Bipartisan Amici in Landmark Supreme Court Challenge to Maryland Democrats’ Partisan Gerrymander

Today, Common Cause joined an ideologically diverse group of governors, members of Congress, local government leaders, and others in filing amicus briefs urging the Supreme Court to put an end to partisan gerrymandering. On March 28, the Court will hear arguments in Benisek v. Lamone, a First Amendment challenge to Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, which Democrats drew after the 2010 census in a successful attempt to defeat a longtime Republican incumbent. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs, it could result in a...

The Art of the Lie – Nonpartisan Watchdog Groups Release New Report Documenting President Trump’s First Year Failure on Government Integrity and Accountability Issues

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The Art of the Lie – Nonpartisan Watchdog Groups Release New Report Documenting President Trump’s First Year Failure on Government Integrity and Accountability Issues

As President Trump prepares to deliver his first State of the Union later this week, Common Cause and Democracy 21 are releasing a new report, “The Art of the Lie,” which pulls together a dizzying series of events and provides an overview of this unprecedented presidency. The report bundles together the crises, conflicts of interest, and new lows of the last year in 20 distinct issue areas to capture Trump’s failed first year record on matters of government integrity and accountability.

Common Cause Urges Congress to Investigate Hush Money Payment Arranged by Trump’s Personal Lawyer

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Common Cause Urges Congress to Investigate Hush Money Payment Arranged by Trump’s Personal Lawyer

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to uphold its oversight responsibilities and investigate what appears to be a hush money payment to an adult film actress arranged by President Trump’s personal attorney just prior to the 2016 election. The call follows complaints filed yesterday with the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission.

Common Cause Urges SCOTUS to Expedite Review of North Carolina’s Partisan Gerrymander to Protect Voters

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Common Cause Urges SCOTUS to Expedite Review of North Carolina’s Partisan Gerrymander to Protect Voters

Today, Common Cause filed a motion in the U.S. Supreme Court in Common Cause v. Rucho urging the court to expedite its review of the case in order to provide relief to North Carolina voters in time for 2018 congressional elections. Last week the Supreme Court granted a stay in the case after a unanimous decision from a three-judge federal court had ruled North Carolina’s congressional districts unconstitutional and ordered them redrawn by January 24, 2018. In today’s brief the successful plaintiffs argue that hearing the North...



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