
NAACP de Carolina del Norte contra Berger

Common Cause, la Conferencia Estatal de Carolina del Norte de la NAACP y los carolinianos negros presentaron una demanda federal impugnando los mapas de votación racialmente discriminatorios en Carolina del Norte.

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Bryan Warner

Director de Comunicaciones

Selected Filings

NAACP de Carolina del Norte contra Berger comes on the heels of the North Carolina legislature redrawing the state’s voting maps in October 2023 to severely diminish the voting power of Black voters in the state.

The federal lawsuit calls for new congressional and state legislative districts that respect the constitutional rights of Black voters in North Carolina. Southern Coalition for Social Justice and Hogan Lovells are representing the plaintiffs in the case.

The complaint, filed December 2023, alleges various harms across both state legislative maps and the congressional map:

  • Unconstitutional intentional discrimination against Black voters in the state Senate, state House, and Congressional maps;
  • Vote dilution in violation of the Voting Rights Act in North Carolina’s Black Belt in both the State and House maps;
  • Intentional vote dilution of Black electoral power in Congressional Districts 1, 5, 6, and 10;
  • Racial gerrymandering in Senate Districts 7 and 8; and
  • Violation of one-person, one-vote in the Senate and House maps.

In March 2024, a three-judge panel consolidated NAACP de Carolina del Norte contra Berger with the congressional map challenge Williams v. Hall. The case is currently undergoing discovery and a trial is set for June 2025.

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Ann Webb

Ann Webb

Policy Director

Causa común de Carolina del Norte

Bob Phillips

Bob Phillips

Director ejecutivo

Causa común de Carolina del Norte



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