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Common Cause NC presenta una denuncia solicitando una investigación del director de correos de EE. UU., DeJoy, por un supuesto plan de "donante ficticio" en Carolina del Norte

RALEIGH – El director de correos de EE. UU., Louis DeJoy, debe ser investigado de inmediato por un presunto plan de donaciones de campaña que puede haber violado la ley de Carolina del Norte, según una denuncia presentada hoy por Common Cause NC ante la Junta Electoral del Estado y también enviada al Fiscal General Josh Stein solicitando una investigación criminal.

RALEIGH – U.S. Postmaster Louis DeJoy should be investigated immediately for an alleged campaign donation scheme that may have violated North Carolina law, according to a queja filed today by Common Cause NC with the State Board of Elections and also sent to Attorney General Josh Stein requesting a criminal investigation.

While CEO of High Point, NC-based New Breed Logistics from 2003-2014, DeJoy pressured employees of his company to make political contributions and later reimbursed those contributions through bonuses, according to former employees recently interviewed by The Washington Post.

Such a ploy would violate North Carolina campaign finance laws, which prohibit making contributions in the name of another person, and may have been a means to illegally circumvent donation limits. State law also prohibits corporations from donating to campaigns, a provision that DeJoy may have violated by using his company’s funds to reimburse employees for making contributions to political candidates he supported.

While there is a five-year statute of limitations on federal campaign finance charges, there is no such statute of limitations in North Carolina.

The following is a statement from Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause NC:

“Our state’s campaign finance laws are designed to protect the fundamental integrity of our elections and guard against undue influence by self-serving megadonors and special interests. Violations of these laws undermine public trust in our democracy and must be treated with the utmost seriousness. No one is above the law, no matter the size of their bank account.

Voters deserve to know who is funding politicians’ campaigns. But straw donor ploys hide the true source of political donations and make it impossible for voters to make fully-informed choices. This troubling fundraising scheme allegedly perpetrated by Louis DeJoy has the appearance of bypassing North Carolina’s campaign finance limits in order to illicitly buy political access and curry favor with elected officials. These allegations should be thoroughly investigated and, if true, Mr. DeJoy must be held accountable.”

To read the full complaint filed by Common Cause NC with the State Board of Elections and the state attorney general, haga clic aquí.




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