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Common Cause Supports DOJ Appeal of AT&T-Time Warner Merger Approval

The Department of Justice announced today it is appealing the approval of the AT&T-Time Warner Merger

Today, the Department of Justice appealed the district court’s decision to approve the AT&T-Time Warner merger.

The following can be attributed to Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner & Common Cause Special Adviser:

“U.S. District Court Judge Leon made clear errors in judgment when approving the AT&T-Time Warner merger. His decision has already led to competitive harms in the marketplace, forcing consumers to pay higher prices. The DOJ’s appeal is positive news, and grounds for at least some hope, but there are miles to go to undo the damage Judge Leon’s decision inflicted. We support the DOJ’s appeal of this erroneous decision and urge the DC Circuit to quickly take up and reverse this transaction.”



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