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Common Cause Urges Congress to Prioritize Key Democracy Issues in Next COVID-19 Supplemental Funding Bill

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to provide funding to safeguard key elements of our democracy in the next COVID-19 emergency supplemental funding bill. The letter urges every Member of Congress to provide significant funding in the stimulus package to backstop vital elements of our democracy and to ensure proper safeguards are put into place to oversee government disbursement of trillions of dollars in stimulus funds. In the face of the pandemic, Common Cause calls for funding to safeguard our elections, the Census, the U.S. Postal Service, access to broadband internet service, as well as local journalism and to fully staff and prioritize the CARES Act Congressional Oversight Commission.

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to provide funding to safeguard key elements of our democracy in the next COVID-19 emergency supplemental funding bill. The carta urges every Member of Congress to provide significant funding in the stimulus package to backstop vital elements of our democracy and to ensure proper safeguards are put into place to oversee government disbursement of trillions of dollars in stimulus funds. In the face of the pandemic, Common Cause calls for funding to safeguard our elections, the Census, the U.S. Postal Service, access to broadband internet service, as well as local journalism and to fully staff and prioritize the CARES Act Congressional Oversight Commission.

“Every American deserves a government that makes every effort to keep them safe, informed, and represented even in the face of a pandemic and that is why we are urging Congress to step up and bolster these vital elements of our democracy,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “We cannot ever take for granted the importance our elections, the Census, the Postal Service, access to broadband, independent local journalism, and government oversight, especially during times of crisis.”

The letter calls on Congress to take the following actions to safeguard our democracy during the current crisis:

  • Invest at least $4 billion en our elections to ensure no Americans have to decide between their health and their right to vote and ensure that the 20% state match requirement is removed;
  • Guarantee at least $2-3 billion a month for the duration of the pandemic for broadband to ensure communities have access to robust and affordable connectivity;
  • Provide at least $5 billion to support local journalism so all Americans can continue to receive reliable news throughout this pandemic;
  • Provide: 1) increased funding for the Census to ensure all residents are counted; and require the Census Bureau to spend the $1 billion it currently has in reserve; 2) paid sick leave for temporary census workers; and 3) income exclusions for census workers receiving SNAP, Medicaid/CHIP, and TANF benefits; 
  • Ensure sufficient funding for the United States Postal Service so all Americans can continue to be connected; and
  • Appoint a full slate of commissioners to the CARES Act Congressional Oversight Commission to ensure that taxpayers’ hard-earned money is appropriately allocated and used to promote permissible purposes, as well as protect inspectors general by ensuring that they can only be fired for cause.

The letter emphasizes that the COVID-19 pandemic presents an unprecedented challenge to our democracy, and stresses that Congress must act decisively to buttress key pillars of our democracy or face potentially catastrophic consequences.

Para leer la carta completa, haga clic aquí.



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