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Common Cause Urges Congressional Oversight Committees to Investigate Trump Administration Dealings with ZTE & Chinese Govt

Today, Common Cause urged congressional oversight committees to investigate and hold hearings on the Trump Administration’s interactions with Chinese government officials and ZTE, a company that violated trade sanctions with Iran and has been deemed a security threat by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Today, Common Cause urged congressional oversight committees to investigate and hold hearings on the Trump Administration’s interactions with Chinese government officials and ZTE, a company that violated trade sanctions with Iran and has been deemed a security threat by U.S. intelligence agencies.

The letter urges the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to investigate the appearance of “cronyism, nepotism, abuse of power, and conflicts of interest,” around the lifting of the ban on U.S. companies doing business with ZTE around the time the Chinese government granted sought-after trademarks to first daughter Ivanka Trump.

“Americans expect and deserve open and honest government, and the dealings between the Trump Administration, the Chinese government and ZTE raise a host of red flags that at the very least have the appearance of the President abusing his office to enrich his family,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, presidenta de Common Cause. “The American people deserve answers about these controversial dealings, but the White House refuses to even offer a coherent explanation for its actions, so it falls to Congress to exercise its oversight responsibilities. The office of the President is not intended for self-enrichment, but the President and members of the Trump family have seen a massive windfall since Donald Trump took office. Members of Congress must put their country before their party and begin asking some tough questions of the Administration.”

The letter urges the committees to seek answers to critical questions concerning the negotiation of the deals including:

  • Were the trademarks granted to Ivanka Trump’s business a direct part of the negotiations with China?
  • ¿En qué medida estuvo involucrado personalmente el presidente Trump en estos acuerdos?
  • Si el presidente Trump no estuvo involucrado directamente en estas negociaciones, ¿ordenó a alguien que estableciera ciertos parámetros para el acuerdo, como por ejemplo que el gobierno chino otorgara marcas registradas para el negocio de su hija?
  • ¿ZTE y el gobierno chino han presionado a la Administración para que apoye el acuerdo? ¿Se han registrado legalmente de conformidad con la Ley de Registro de Agentes Extranjeros (FARA)?

To read the letter, haga clic aquí.



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