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Gonzales impeachment proposal introduced in Congress

Common Cause supports a resolution slated for introduction today by Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) directing the House Judiciary Committee to initiate impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

“We’ve heard enough from the attorney general to know that we need answers to serious questions that have arisen about his conduct,” said Common Cause President Bob Edgar. “The Administration is stonewalling. Impeachment proceedings appear the only vehicle to get at the truth.”

Common Cause first called on Congress in June to impeach Gonzales for demonstrating a reckless disregard for the obligations of his office by subverting the public interest by using the Justice Department to further partisan political concerns.

Common Cause commends Congressman Inslee for his leadership in introducing this resolution. The organization will ask its 300,000 members and supporters to urge their House Member to support it.