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Statement of Common Cause on Secret Decision by House Committee on Ethics to Weaken Congressional Travel Disclosure

Common Cause was extremely disappointed to learn of the House Committee on Ethics’ decision to weaken disclosure requirements for privately-funded travel for members of Congress and staff.

Common Cause was extremely disappointed to learn of the House Committee on Ethics’ decision to weaken disclosure requirements for privately-funded travel for members of Congress and staff.  What is even more alarming about this decision is that it was done in secret, decreed without open deliberation, and enacted without the opportunity for the public to comment. Travel transparency for congressional offices is critical because the public deserves to know who is paying for congressional junkets and trying to influence Congress.  Common Cause and 10 other organizations sent a letter to the House Committee on Ethics asking it to reconsider this decision.

We strongly encourage the House Ethics Committee to immediately reverse this secret ruling and to reinstate the travel disclosure requirement on personal disclosure forms for members of Congress.



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