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Common Cause Applauds Senate Vote Passing DC Voting Rights

Common Cause applauds the U.S. Senate for its historic vote on final passage of the DC House Voting Rights Act.

“This is a great day for democracy. The Senate has brought the citizens of the District a huge step closer to having the same democratic rights that all Americans enjoy.” said Bob Edgar, president of Common Cause, “With House passage expected next week, we hope the House and Senate will move quickly to reconcile differences in the bills and send the DC House Voting Rights Act to President Obama for his signature.”

“The amendment repealing the District’s gun laws is emblematic of the problem DC faces without representation in Congress”, Edgar continued, “The mayor and city council opposed the amendment, but the Senate could easily ignore their views because the District has no vote in Congress. We expect this amendment to be removed in conference.”

The citizens of the District of Columbia, like all other Americans, deserve to be represented in Congress. DC residents pay federal income taxes, serve on juries, and die in wars to defend American democracy. DC citizens are currently serving in the armed forces in Iraq, fighting for new democratic rights for Iraqis that they do not enjoy themselves.

The House is expected to pass similar legislation next week and President Obama has said he will sign the DC House Voting Rights Act when it comes to his desk.

Common Cause is a key leader in a large coalition of voting and civil rights groups actively working for passage of the legislation.



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