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La Coalición Nacional para el Voto en Prisiones elogia la histórica introducción de la Ley de Democracia Inclusiva de 2023 

En una medida histórica para ampliar los derechos de voto y reforzar la participación democrática, la representante Ayanna Pressley (demócrata por Massachusetts) y el senador Peter Welch (Vermont) presentaron hoy la Ley de Democracia Inclusiva de 2023. Esta innovadora legislación busca eliminar la práctica discriminatoria de privar del derecho al voto a personas por delitos graves en las elecciones federales, garantizando así que todos los estadounidenses, independientemente de su condena penal, tengan el derecho fundamental a votar.  

En una medida histórica para ampliar los derechos de voto y reforzar la participación democrática, la representante Ayanna Pressley (demócrata por Massachusetts) y el senador Peter Welch (Vermont) presentaron hoy la Ley de Democracia Inclusiva de 2023. Esta innovadora legislación busca eliminar la práctica discriminatoria de privar del derecho al voto a personas por delitos graves en las elecciones federales, garantizando así que todos los estadounidenses, independientemente de su condena penal, tengan el derecho fundamental a votar.  

The Inclusive Democracy Act stands as a beacon of hope for the more than 4.6 million Americans currently disenfranchised due to criminal convictions. These individuals, despite being most impacted by the criminal legal system, remain voiceless in our nation’s electoral process. Votación by The Sentencing Project, Stand Up America, Common Cause, and State Innovation Exchange revealed that most Americans believe the right to vote should be an inalienable right for all Americans, extending to those who are currently serving sentences, both within and outside of prison walls.  

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 is a long-overdue step towards fulfilling the promise of our democracy, where every American has a voice and a stake in shaping our nation’s future. The National Voting in Prison Coalition urges members of the House and Senate to join us in supporting this essential legislation and ensuring that all Americans can participate fully in our democratic processes.  

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 comprises a series of transformative measures designed to eradicate disenfranchisement and empower marginalized communities:  

  • Automatic restoration of voting rights to vote in federal elections to all Americans who have criminal convictions, 
  • Elimination of state-level barriers that prevent individuals with criminal convictions, whether they are incarcerated or have been released, from exercising their right to vote in federal elections. 
  • Prohibition of the prosecution of Americans in carceral settings who complete an election ballot that includes an election they are not eligible to vote in. 

The Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023 represents a bold step towards a more just and equitable society, where the right to vote is not a privilege reserved for a select few but a fundamental right guaranteed to all Americans. By dismantling the barriers that have excluded millions of Americans from participating in our democracy, we can move closer to realizing the true essence of American democracy – a system of government that truly represents the will of all its people.  

The National Voting in Prison Coalition is a new national coalition formed to advance guaranteed voting rights for justice-involved Americans, including those currently and formerly incarcerated or otherwise impacted by the criminal legal system. Coalition members supporting this statement include:   

Campaign Legal Center,  

Center for Common Ground,  

Center for Popular Democracy,  

Civic Nebraska,  

Coalition on Human Needs,  

Common Cause,  


IMAN Atlanta,  

Institute of Forgiveness,  

International Community Justice Association (ICJA),  

Just Future Project,  

JustUS Coordinating Council,  

Legal Action Center,  

Montana Women Vote,  

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers,  

National Council of Churches,  

National Employment Law Project,  

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice,  

New Jersey Institute for Social Justice,  

Nolef Turns Inc. 

Prison Policy Initiative,  

Progress Arizona,  

Rural Arizona Action,  


Stand Up America,  

The Community,  

The Gubbio Project,  

The Sentencing Project,  

WISDOM of Wisconsin 




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