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$75 millones de fondos electorales en paquete ómnibus para los estados son un pago inicial, pero se necesita mucho más
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En un momento en que la libertad de votar sigue bajo ataque, el Congreso proporcionará un pago inicial en el proyecto de ley de gastos generales para proporcionar recursos adicionales a los funcionarios electorales de todo el país que enfrentan una variedad de amenazas y obstáculos para ayudar a los estadounidenses a hacer oír su voz en las urnas. Estos $75 millones que el Congreso está asignando son solo una fracción de la inversión que se requerirá para proteger nuestras elecciones y la voluntad de los votantes de amenazas tanto extranjeras como nacionales.
Elections officials continue to face ongoing attacks on our election infrastructure by hostile foreign governments, but in the wake of the former president’s Big Lie, they also face threats and harassment from fellow citizens as well – from death threats to coordinated nuisance document requests aimed at making it harder to do the already difficult work of running our elections.
Nonpartisan election officials throughout the country have spoken up to ask for Congress to prioritize additional resources for state and local elections. They need Congress to make significant investments so we can ensure that voting continues to be safe, accessible, and secure in 2023 and beyond.
Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections. Ensuring that they remain free and fair involves officials at every level, and it involves significant and sustained funding and expertise from the federal government. Small town, and even big city, election officials are too often overwhelmed when they go up against sophisticated foreign intelligence agencies. And the threats to our nation’s elections have grown within our own borders. Providing consistent funding, assistance, expertise, training, and information to those officials must continue so all Americans can continue to have their voices heard and votes counted.