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High Scores for New Jersey on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics."

Members of Congress with perfect scores increase more than 15% from 2022 

NEW JERSEY — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Cuadro de mando de la democracia,” recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.

“Our 2024 Democracy Scorecard shows a surge of support in Congress for reforms that strengthen the right to vote, take back the Supreme Court, and break big money’s grip on our politics,” said Virginia Kase Solomón, Common Cause President & CEO. “The number of members of Congress with perfect scores increased 101% from 2020, with 58 members in our 2020 Scorecard to 117 this year. As we see the wealthy and well-connected try to influence our politics and our very livelihoods, we must demand our leaders deliver on the people’s pro-democracy agenda.”

Since 2016, Common Cause has tracked support and co-sponsorship of democracy related legislation. This year’s scorecard includes ten legislative items in the U.S. Senate and 13 in U.S. House, including the Ley de libertad de voto, John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act, and more.

“The 2024 Democracy Scorecard empowers voters with information to hold their leaders in Washington accountable for a government that works for all,” said Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause. “Seven of New Jersey’s members of Congress earned perfect or near perfect scores for their support for pro-democracy legislation. With this year’s pivotal election, we must drive these key reforms to the top of the agenda, so everyone is afforded an accountable government, no matter what state we call home.” 

New Jersey Members of Congress with perfect or near perfect scores:  

  • Senator Cory Booker: 10/10 
  • Representative Donald Norcross: 13/13 
  • Representative Rob Menendez: 13/13 
  • Representative Josh Gottheimer: 12/13 
  • Representative Andy Kim: 12/13 
  • Representative Mikie Sherrill: 12/13 
  • Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman: 12/13 

 New Jersey Members of Congress with the lowest scores 

  • Representative Jeff Van Drew: 1/13 
  • Representative Chris Smith: 1/13 
  • Representative Tom Kean: 2/13 

Common Cause is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse or oppose candidates for elected office.

To view the 2024 Democracy Scorecard, haga clic aquí. 

Common Cause es una organización de base no partidista dedicada a defender los valores fundamentales de la democracia estadounidense. Trabajamos para crear un gobierno abierto, honesto y responsable que sirva al interés público, promueva la igualdad de derechos, oportunidades y representación para todos y empodere a todas las personas para que hagan oír su voz en el proceso político. 





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