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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, el organismo de control no partidista, publicó su “Cuadro de Indicadores de la Democracia” de 2024, que registra el apoyo de cada miembro del Congreso al derecho al voto, la ética de la Corte Suprema y otras reformas.  

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David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de comunicaciones

Ariana Marmolejo

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Oeste)

Jennifer García

Estratega de Comunicaciones Regionales (Sur)

Kenny Colston

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Medio Oeste)

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4028 Results

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4028 Results

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Yahoo! News/Providence Journal: Everyone wants something from Rhode Island’s part-time lawmakers. Here’s the list.

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Yahoo! News/Providence Journal: Everyone wants something from Rhode Island’s part-time lawmakers. Here’s the list.

"It targets specific instances when the government has used APRA to stonewall specific requests, like RIDOT's decision to withhold accident data it collects from all of Rhode Island's municipalities," says John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island.

"With respect to the Washington Bridge emails," he said of emails for which different media outlets were charged anything from zero to $450 for the same 236 pages, "the bill would lower the costs by doubling the amount of free search time given for each...

San Diego Union Tribune: In Chula Vista, when it comes to public records, not much is public

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San Diego Union Tribune: In Chula Vista, when it comes to public records, not much is public

Sean McMorris of California Common Cause, a Los Angeles-area nonprofit that advocates for good government and open records, said there are many reasons cities should post responses to public-records requests.

Activists, lawyers, business owners and everyday citizens can review the postings themselves without having to interrupt city employees by submitting a redundant request, he said.

"It also creates a record for the city in terms of litigation," McMorris said. "It induces them to respond more thoroughly because...

Capitol Beat News Service: Paper ballots focus of latest election reform push

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Capitol Beat News Service: Paper ballots focus of latest election reform push

Anne Herring, policy analyst for Common Cause Georgia, raised concerns about the latter provision.

“The governor and lieutenant governor get to vote on whether their own races will be audited,” Herring told LaHood’s committee. “That’s a little concerning to me in terms of public confidence in elections.”

The Guardian: How Ohio Republicans ignore voters – and the governor – in power grab to pass laws

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The Guardian: How Ohio Republicans ignore voters – and the governor – in power grab to pass laws

According to Catherine Turcer, the executive director of the government watchdog group Common Cause Ohio, which is part of the Citizens Not Politicians coalition, the group has trained about 2,000 volunteers to collect petition signatures.

“It’s clear there’s this disconnect between what it is that ordinary Ohioans want, and what it is that the state legislature chooses to do,” said Turcer. “There is real interest in ensuring that we have accountable government.”

Yahoo! News/WCMH: Ohio GOP at odds over future of House Bill 6

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Yahoo! News/WCMH: Ohio GOP at odds over future of House Bill 6

“At the end of the day, this corrupt legislation means that we don’t have money we could be spending on other things,” Executive Director of Common Cause Ohio Catherine Turcer said.

HB6, in part, gave two Ohio Valley Electric Corporation (OVEC) coal plants a consistent stream of revenue, from Ohioans.

“To the tune of $153,000 per day,” Turcer said.

Albany Tines Union (artículo de opinión): Estas medidas protegerían la integridad electoral en Nueva York

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Albany Tines Union (artículo de opinión): Estas medidas protegerían la integridad electoral en Nueva York

El año 2023 fue una dura prueba para las elecciones de Nueva York. Los votantes soportaron persistentes luchas legales sobre la redistribución de distritos y un escándalo en las elecciones al Congreso que capturó la atención nacional. No sorprende que la confianza en el gobierno siga disminuyendo en todo el país. Con el cambio de los límites del Congreso y una temporada electoral polémica que se avecina, los votantes se enfrentan a un año aún más ajetreado.

Es por eso que los legisladores deben trabajar rápidamente para instituir medidas de protección que aborden las lagunas existentes en nuestras leyes y protejan a los votantes de la amenaza de...

Gannett/Wilmington Star News: Are Black voters in North Carolina at risk with redistricting maps under litigation? NAACP, Common Cause and NC voters sue Republican legislatures for racially gerrymandered maps

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Gannett/Wilmington Star News: Are Black voters in North Carolina at risk with redistricting maps under litigation? NAACP, Common Cause and NC voters sue Republican legislatures for racially gerrymandered maps

On Dec. 19, the North Carolina NAACP along with Common Cause, a nonpartisan nonprofit advocating for fair and transparent elections, and a group of eight residents filed a lawsuit against Republican mapmakers, including Philip Berger, Tim Moore and the State Board of Elections, for passing allegedly racially adjusted and rushed gerrymandered maps.

Bob Phillips, the executive director at Common Cause North Carolina, said in an interview that minority communities, like the Black community, will not get to choose...

Associated Press: Indiana legislation would add extra verification steps to prove voters are eligible

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Associated Press: Indiana legislation would add extra verification steps to prove voters are eligible

Julia Vaughn, executive director of transparency and voting advocacy group Common Cause Indiana, said that 30-day timeframe is unfair. She worries the bill could catch people who become lawful citizens and voters whose names are still on the temporary list.

“The failsafe has to move like clockwork right?” she said. “And in the real world, clockwork doesn’t always happen.”

Se presenta escrito amicus para defender la Constitución en el caso de Trump ante la Corte Suprema 

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Se presenta escrito amicus para defender la Constitución en el caso de Trump ante la Corte Suprema 

Hoy, Common Cause presentó un escrito amicus curiae ante la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos afirmando que el expresidente Donald Trump debería ser excluido de la boleta electoral de Colorado bajo la 14ª Enmienda por su papel en la insurrección del 6 de enero en el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos.

El caso se encuentra en apelación luego de que el Tribunal Superior de Colorado dictaminara recientemente que la “cláusula de descalificación” de la 14.ª Enmienda se aplicaba a los presidentes, lo que hacía que el expresidente Trump no fuera elegible para las elecciones estatales. Colorado Common Cause presentó un escrito amicus curiae en el...

San Francisco Chronicle: Scholars urge Supreme Court to ban Trump from ballot

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San Francisco Chronicle: Scholars urge Supreme Court to ban Trump from ballot

In another Supreme Court filing Tuesday, the advocacy group Common Cause said the case is “a moment of truth for American democracy.” Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, “and his open and ongoing support, even today, for the insurrectionists and their cause poses the greatest danger to our free democratic system since the Civil War,” the group said.

Georgia Recorder: Georgia House approves revised prosecutor oversight commission as Senate investigates Willis

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Georgia Recorder: Georgia House approves revised prosecutor oversight commission as Senate investigates Willis

Common Cause Georgia executive director Aunna Dennis called the measure a politically motivated bill that does not provide a clear roadmap of checks and balances it is supposed to adhere to. A better step would be to correct some of the deficiencies in last year’s bill that established the oversight commission, Dennis said in a statement.

“Prosecutors who defend our state constitution should be able to do so safely,” she said. “How are prosecutors able to defend themselves from challenging corruption in our government...

KPBS/CalMatters: California lawmakers, raising fears of political violence, want to shield their properties

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KPBS/CalMatters: California lawmakers, raising fears of political violence, want to shield their properties

Laurel Brodzinsky, legislative director for California Common Cause, said Form 700 is an important tool for understanding how elected officials’ economic interests shape their decision-making.

“We do think that having that transparency is really important for accountability,” Brodzinsky said.

Brodzinsky of California Common Cause said there are reasonable limitations on what information is disclosed about elected officials and other public servants given the threat of violence.

“We do...



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