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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, el organismo de control no partidista, publicó su “Cuadro de Indicadores de la Democracia” de 2024, que registra el apoyo de cada miembro del Congreso al derecho al voto, la ética de la Corte Suprema y otras reformas.  

Contactos de medios

David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de comunicaciones

Ariana Marmolejo

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Oeste)

Jennifer García

Estratega de Comunicaciones Regionales (Sur)

Kenny Colston

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Medio Oeste)

La red de expertos en reformas democráticas a nivel nacional y estatal de Common Cause son comentaristas frecuentes en los medios. Para hablar con uno de nuestros expertos, comuníquese con cualquier miembro del equipo de prensa mencionado anteriormente.


4028 resultados

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4028 resultados

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Indianapolis Star (Op-Ed): Lax Indiana lobbying laws bring legislator ethics into question

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Indianapolis Star (Op-Ed): Lax Indiana lobbying laws bring legislator ethics into question

From shameful loopholes to murky transparency, Indiana lags on lobbying ethics. It's time for the Statehouse to make sure legislators spend less time enjoying steakhouse dinners from the moneyed interests who pay for them - and more time listening to their constituents.

Bergen Record/ If he doesn’t resign, could indicted Bob Menendez be expelled from the Senate?

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Bergen Record/ If he doesn’t resign, could indicted Bob Menendez be expelled from the Senate?

Impeachment has generally been held for civil officers and members of the judiciary and the executive branch, said Stephen Spaulding, vice president at Common Cause, a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group. 

“Anything can move quickly in the Senate if senators want to,” Spaulding said. 

The punishment granted in Article I, Section 5, of the Constitution has been rare: The Senate has expelled 15 members since 1789, and the 14 cases other than Blount's occurred during the Civil War for support of the...

Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Redistricting Commission kicks off regional hearings

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Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Redistricting Commission kicks off regional hearings

Common Cause executive director Catherine Turcer urged the panel to start over. She insisted there’s a strong argument the newest proposal makes “zero improvement” on the current unconstitutional map.

“The manipulation of district lines is the manipulation of elections,” Turcer argued. “The manipulation of elections is the manipulation of public policy.”

“So at the end of the day,” she continued, “manipulating districts to favor one political party over the other manipulates all sorts of...

New York Times: In North Carolina, Republicans Seek More Control Over Elections

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New York Times: In North Carolina, Republicans Seek More Control Over Elections

The legislation “will leave us with county and state boards that can gridlock,” said Ann Webb, the policy director for Common Cause North Carolina, which opposes the measures. “And in this political environment of hyperpartisanship, we fully expect that they will gridlock.”

Ms. Webb and other critics say their concerns might have been allayed had the legislature added language to the House bill that laid out instructions to break deadlocks. But “those suggestions have been rejected,” she said.

Ms. Webb...

CFTC Rejects Bid to Legalize Gambling on U.S. Elections

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CFTC Rejects Bid to Legalize Gambling on U.S. Elections

Today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rejected a request to legalize gambling on U.S. election outcomes. In July, Common Cause filed comments, co-signed by more than 15,000 of its members, strongly urging the CFTC to reject the proposal arguing that KalshiEX, LLC’s (“Kalshi”) proposed Congressional control event contract posed “new and profound threats to the integrity of our democracy and our elections.”

Orlando Sentinel: Fight teed up in federal court over controversial Florida congressional redistricting map

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Orlando Sentinel: Fight teed up in federal court over controversial Florida congressional redistricting map

White Republicans won all North Florida congressional districts in the November elections after the map was redrawn. Attorneys for plaintiffs such as the NAACP and Common Cause Florida argue in the federal lawsuit that the overhaul to Congressional District 5 involved "intentional discrimination" and violated the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment. The 14th Amendment ensures equal protection, while the 15th Amendment prohibits denying or abridging the right to vote based on race.

The Legislature passed the...

Patriot News/PennLive (Op-Ed): Effective, useful, and secure: Why Dush is wrong about ERIC

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Patriot News/PennLive (Op-Ed): Effective, useful, and secure: Why Dush is wrong about ERIC

There is no viable alternative to ERIC. Other states have tried, but to no avail; for example, the Interstate Crosscheck System, a program started in Kansas, had a 99% error rate. It was found to eliminate about 200 registrations used to cast legitimate votes for every one duplicate voter registration. As explained by the Louisiana Illuminator, “Replicating what ERIC built would be a major technical, scientific, administrative and political challenge, even for a state committed to making it work.”

PolitiFact: Vivek Ramaswamy has called for ‘paper ballots.’ Most Americans vote that way already

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PolitiFact: Vivek Ramaswamy has called for ‘paper ballots.’ Most Americans vote that way already

"There was a big movement on the left and right to move to paper and it was backed by computer scientists," as well as voting rights advocates and lawyers with expertise in elections, said Susannah Goodman, director of the Election Security Program at Common Cause.

La Ley de Promoción del Derecho al Voto John R. Lewis protegerá la libertad de votar de todos los estadounidenses

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La Ley de Promoción del Derecho al Voto John R. Lewis protegerá la libertad de votar de todos los estadounidenses

Los estadounidenses esperan y merecen elecciones libres y justas. La Ley John R. Lewis para el Avance del Derecho al Voto protegerá la libertad de votar de todos los estadounidenses en un momento en que el derecho al voto está nuevamente bajo ataque en muchas partes de nuestra nación. La legislación, que se volvió a presentar hoy en la Cámara de Representantes, reparará gran parte del daño que la Corte Suprema le hizo a la Ley del Derecho al Voto hace una década en su decisión del caso Shelby County v. Holder y en fallos posteriores.

Testimonio para la audiencia de la Cámara sobre la amenaza de una convención constitucional basada en el artículo V

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Testimonio para la audiencia de la Cámara sobre la amenaza de una convención constitucional basada en el artículo V

Hoy a las 2:00 p. m., hora del Este de Estados Unidos, el Subcomité Judicial de la Cámara de Representantes sobre la Constitución y el Gobierno Limitado llevará a cabo una audiencia sobre "Examen de las Enmiendas Constitucionales Propuestas", que incluye la revisión del Artículo V de la Constitución y las enmiendas propuestas. Stephen Spaulding, Vicepresidente de Política y Asuntos Externos de Common Cause, testificará sobre los peligros inherentes a convocar una convención constitucional en virtud del Artículo V. Su testimonio escrito presentado antes de la audiencia se centra en los riesgos y la imprevisibilidad de convocar una convención constitucional...

Public News Service: Some Maryland Communities Lowering Voting Age to 16

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Public News Service: Some Maryland Communities Lowering Voting Age to 16

Alyssa Canty, director of youth programs for Common Cause, said young people are often beginning to see the effects of civic policy.

"When they're 16- or 17-year-olds, they are starting their first part-time jobs," Canty pointed out. "So they now have income, so they're purchasing things, so they are paying sales tax, but they have no say in what happens to those tax dollars."

Canty sees late high school as a good time to engage young people.

"Usually around 16, 17 years old, that junior, senior...

Associated Press: Wisconsin Republicans push redistricting plan to head off adverse court ruling

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Associated Press: Wisconsin Republicans push redistricting plan to head off adverse court ruling

The higher vote requirement is a critical component of any redistricting change, said Jay Heck, director of Common Cause Wisconsin.

The plan the Assembly is voting on was unveiled at a news conference Wednesday afternoon. There was no public hearing, and Democrats and advocates say they were not consulted in the drafting of the bill.

“It’s not serious," Heck said. "This is an act of desperation to head off the Supreme Court from redrawing the maps. ... It just doesn’t pass the smell test on any level.”



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