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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, el organismo de control no partidista, publicó su “Cuadro de Indicadores de la Democracia” de 2024, que registra el apoyo de cada miembro del Congreso al derecho al voto, la ética de la Corte Suprema y otras reformas.  

Contactos de medios

David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de comunicaciones

Ariana Marmolejo

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Oeste)

Jennifer García

Estratega de Comunicaciones Regionales (Sur)

Kenny Colston

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Medio Oeste)

La red de expertos en reformas democráticas a nivel nacional y estatal de Common Cause son comentaristas frecuentes en los medios. Para hablar con uno de nuestros expertos, comuníquese con cualquier miembro del equipo de prensa mencionado anteriormente.


4028 resultados

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4028 resultados

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ProPublica: Wisconsin Republicans Sowed Distrust Over Elections. Now They May Push Out the State’s Top Election Official.

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ProPublica: Wisconsin Republicans Sowed Distrust Over Elections. Now They May Push Out the State’s Top Election Official.

“What’s happened over the last six years, in particular since the Trump years, is there’s been a systematic attempt to undermine the work of the Wisconsin Elections Commission,” said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. “Because it’s apparently not as responsive in a partisan way to the Republicans as they would like.”

Indiana Public Media: Lawsuit challenges local government for failure to redistrict before deadline

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Indiana Public Media: Lawsuit challenges local government for failure to redistrict before deadline

Julia Vaughn is the executive director of Common Cause Indiana — a lobbying organization focused on voting rights and election issues. She said the current map does not properly or equitably represent residents within its districts.

“People in the overpopulated district have less voting strength in city elections than the people in the underpopulated districts,” Vaughn said. “So what our lawsuit seeks to do is simply ensure that all voters in Anderson have the same say in their local elections.”


Houston Chronicle: Dan Patrick’s $125,000 loan to Ken Paxton adds to conflicts in Senate impeachment trial

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Houston Chronicle: Dan Patrick’s $125,000 loan to Ken Paxton adds to conflicts in Senate impeachment trial

"The fact that the trial is taking place in the state Senate means there is going to be politics involved," said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan organization focused on government accountability. "Texans still should expect fairness and impartiality and you’re not going to get that if you have senators with conflicts serving as jurors."

The financial connection to Patrick could be an especially significant red flag, given Patrick’s position in the process, said Gutierrez.

Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Chamber won’t discuss its allies in effort to lock down state Constitution

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Ohio Capital Journal: Ohio Chamber won’t discuss its allies in effort to lock down state Constitution

The refusal of the state’s most prominent business organization to discuss the ramifications of a constitutional change it’s supporting adds another undemocratic layer to an initiative that already has many, said Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, which opposes State Issue 1. She said the Chamber and its members will sink lots of corporate money into the fight to cut voters’ power, but it doesn’t want to be open with them.

“One of the challenges with corporate donations and business...

CNN: Voting rights advocates in the South emboldened by Supreme Court win

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CNN: Voting rights advocates in the South emboldened by Supreme Court win

“I don’t think it’s going to stop Republicans from drawing racist maps,” Aunna Dennis, executive director of the voting rights group Common Cause, told CNN. “But I think that this empowers those of us pushing back and fighting that.”

Washington Times: California governor calls for U.S. constitutional amendment on gun control

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Washington Times: California governor calls for U.S. constitutional amendment on gun control

Viki Harrison, director of constitutional convention programs at Common Cause, said her organization supports efforts to curb gun violence, but she said calling a convention “could put all of our civil rights up for grabs.”

“A constitutional convention is not the way to go and could actually make reducing gun violence worse at the end of the day because gun interests could re-write the constitution,” she told The Washington Times. “With no rules in place, and many convention proponents advocating for the same number of...

Charlotte Observer (Editorial): Supreme Court’s Alabama voting map ruling offers hope to North Carolina

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Charlotte Observer (Editorial): Supreme Court’s Alabama voting map ruling offers hope to North Carolina

Common Cause North Carolina, a group that has mounted legal challenges to the legislature’s attempt to expand gerrymandering and limit Black voting power, applauded the court’s rebuke of Alabama. “Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for American democracy and voters everywhere. This decision should serve as a clear warning to North Carolina politicians that racist gerrymandering and attacks on voting rights will not stand,” said Bob Phillips, the group’s executive director.

Tallahassee Democrat/Gannett: Alabama redistricting ruling ‘opens the window to hope’ for Florida challengers

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Tallahassee Democrat/Gannett: Alabama redistricting ruling ‘opens the window to hope’ for Florida challengers

“We’re very hopeful that what came out in Alabama will bode well for Florida,” said Kathay Feng, vice president of programs for Common Cause, which is among the plaintiffs suing Florida in federal court over the congressional map.

Feng said justices clearly signaled that the “Voting Rights Act is not dead.”

“Protections against racial gerrymandering are not dead and if the historical record and the facts show themselves to be worthy, the Supreme Court will find there is racial gerrymandering and will...

Statement on Voting Rights Victory in SCOTUS’ Allen v. Milligan Decision

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Statement on Voting Rights Victory in SCOTUS’ Allen v. Milligan Decision

Today is a day of celebration for all of those who care about freedom and democracy, with the Supreme Court recognizing the vital importance of what remains of the Voting Rights Act to protect Americans from the insidious effects of discrimination.

Salon: RFK Jr. and the con men candidates: more than a sideshow — they’re a real threat to democracy

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Salon: RFK Jr. and the con men candidates: more than a sideshow — they’re a real threat to democracy

"We do not have a clear picture of who is pumping significant money into our elections," Stephen Spaulding, the vice president of policy at Common Cause, told Salon. Especially after the disastrous 2013 Supreme Court decision dismantling much campaign finance law, he explained, there's "a universe of money influencing our elections that are coming from somewhere in large amounts, but we don't know where it's coming from."

While cautioning there's no legal way to distinguish real candidates from people who are in it for the...

McClatchy: Comer places FBI Director in contempt crosshairs over Biden informant document

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McClatchy: Comer places FBI Director in contempt crosshairs over Biden informant document

“The former President’s own Attorney General William Barr already declined to pursue this investigation several years ago,” said Aaron Scherb, the senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause. “FBI Director Christopher Wray is a lifelong Republican and member of the Federalist Society. This committee vote to hold him in contempt is yet another example of congressional Republicans trying to weaponize the federal government when they disagree with the outcome.”

Associated Press: La Corte Suprema desechó el núcleo de la Ley de Derecho al Voto hace una década, lo que provocó una ola de nuevas reglas electorales

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Associated Press: La Corte Suprema desechó el núcleo de la Ley de Derecho al Voto hace una década, lo que provocó una ola de nuevas reglas electorales

Los grupos de derechos electorales dicen que eso no significa que votar sea fácil y han estado respondiendo a las restricciones con nuevas estrategias. En Georgia, por ejemplo, Common Cause instaló estaciones de impresión móviles en todo el estado para que los votantes pudieran cumplir con las nuevas reglas de registro de votantes que requieren una firma con tinta en un formulario impreso.

“Es sólo a través del trabajo de todas estas comunidades y grupos sobre el terreno que los votantes tienen acceso”, dijo Sylvia Albert, directora nacional de votación y elecciones del grupo. “Pero hacer esto...



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