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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

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Washington obtiene altas puntuaciones en el Cuadro de Indicadores de Democracia de 2024 de Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, el organismo de control no partidista, publicó su “Cuadro de Indicadores de la Democracia” de 2024, que registra el apoyo de cada miembro del Congreso al derecho al voto, la ética de la Corte Suprema y otras reformas.  

Contactos de medios

David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de comunicaciones

Ariana Marmolejo

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Oeste)

Jennifer García

Estratega de Comunicaciones Regionales (Sur)

Kenny Colston

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Medio Oeste)

La red de expertos en reformas democráticas a nivel nacional y estatal de Common Cause son comentaristas frecuentes en los medios. Para hablar con uno de nuestros expertos, comuníquese con cualquier miembro del equipo de prensa mencionado anteriormente.


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4028 resultados

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Dallas Morning News/PolitiFact: Yes, a Texas bill would give GOP power to call election do-overs in Harris County

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Dallas Morning News/PolitiFact: Yes, a Texas bill would give GOP power to call election do-overs in Harris County

“As written, the bill does not clearly define ‘good cause’ and that is a serious problem that could easily throw our elections into chaos,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group aiming to keep elections free, fair and accessible.

The Nation: North Carolina Republicans Just Took Gerrymandering to a Whole New Level

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The Nation: North Carolina Republicans Just Took Gerrymandering to a Whole New Level

“It’s a radical departure…a 180-degree change in how we have considered our system of government and the role of courts,” said Hilary Harris Klein, senior counsel for voting rights for a coalition of Southern-based groups, including Common Cause.

PolitiFact: Successful program finds voters who moved or died. Why are states leaving it before 2024 elections?

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PolitiFact: Successful program finds voters who moved or died. Why are states leaving it before 2024 elections?

The key to having any interstate program function properly is having as many states participate as possible, said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan group dedicated to upholding American democracy.

"If Texas is going to lead the charge to have a bunch of red states create their own system, it’s hard to see how that can possibly be successful with such limited participation," he said.

Ohio Capital Journal: GOP plan to advance 60% amendment in August looking wobbly after second hearing cancelled

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Ohio Capital Journal: GOP plan to advance 60% amendment in August looking wobbly after second hearing cancelled

Speaking after lawmakers canceled Wednesday’s hearing Mia Lewis from Common Cause dismissed the August election measure as “shenanigans.”

“Ohioans will not accept this going onto an August special election. It’s not acceptable,” Lewis insisted. “It’s $20 million for no reason. Or for a very bad reason! Which is to try to subvert democracy, and people will not stand for it. I think they’re starting to read the writing on the wall.”

Lewis acknowledged they might not muster quite as many...

Bloomberg: Why Redistricting Is Still Happening in 2023 — And Where

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Bloomberg: Why Redistricting Is Still Happening in 2023 — And Where

Lawsuits challenging the state’s legislative and congressional district lines “will most definitely” be filed, Wisconsin Common Cause Executive Director Jay Heck said after progressives won majority control of the state Supreme Court in an election last month. Justice-elect Janet Protasiewicz, who was backed by Democratic groups, will take her seat on the court Aug. 1.

RawStory+: As First Republic Bank faltered, five members of Congress dumped their personal stock investments

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RawStory+: As First Republic Bank faltered, five members of Congress dumped their personal stock investments

While there’s no evidence that the lawmakers used information they obtained through their public service to inform their First Republic stock trades, such stock sales “can erode the public’s faith and confidence in Congress,” said Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, a nonpartisan government watchdog organization.

“The perception of corruption can be just as damaging as actual corruption in many cases,” said Scherb, noting that a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers have introduced...

Texas Tribune: Texas House advances bill to eliminate Harris County election chief position

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Texas Tribune: Texas House advances bill to eliminate Harris County election chief position

“This takes away all of that local power and that democracy involved in the process, and it’s just a takeover of one specific county that would not actually do anything for solutions for election administration,” said Katya Ehresman, voting rights program director for Common Cause Texas.

“A lot of those solutions are done through investment of resources, of staff, not abolishing an office and potentially causing staff to leave or have their positions removed,” Ehresman said. “With 30 days left in session, we...

Salon: Florida GOP send “egregious” voter suppression bill to Ron DeSantis

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Salon: Florida GOP send “egregious” voter suppression bill to Ron DeSantis

"This is the third year in a row Florida's lawmakers have changed our voting rules, attacked community-based groups who support voters, and implemented unnecessary and confusing barriers for Floridians looking to participate in our democracy, while making no investment in voter education at all," Common Cause Florida program director Amy Keith said in a statement.

"This makes clear their real aim: to suppress our voting rights and silence the voices of eligible Florida voters who want a more inclusive future for our state,"...

Los miembros de Common Cause opinan sobre la implementación de la banda ancha de la NTIA

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Los miembros de Common Cause opinan sobre la implementación de la banda ancha de la NTIA

Hoy, Common Cause presentó comentarios en respuesta a la Solicitud de comentarios de la Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones e Información (NTIA) sobre la implementación de programas de banda ancha en la Ley de Inversión en Infraestructura y Empleo. Los comentarios se basan en gran medida en los aportes de 2.500 miembros de Common Cause que luchan contra la brecha digital y que participaron en una encuesta realizada a los 1,5 millones de miembros de la organización.

Wall Street Journal: How Ron DeSantis Could Unlock $86 Million for a Presidential Run

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Wall Street Journal: How Ron DeSantis Could Unlock $86 Million for a Presidential Run

“The law is very clear,” said Stephen Spaulding, vice president of policy for Common Cause, which advocates for more transparency in government. Mr. Spaulding served as a legal adviser to a Democratic FEC commissioner in 2016. “You are not supposed to transfer state funds to support a federal fund.”



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