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Trump debe firmar un compromiso ético y documentos de transición

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Trump debe firmar un compromiso ético y documentos de transición

El presidente electo Donald Trump aún no ha firmado los documentos legales –incluido un compromiso ético– necesarios para iniciar formalmente la transición de poder en su administración. Los candidatos suelen presentar estos documentos mucho antes de las elecciones. Como resultado de esta demora, el gobierno no puede proporcionar autorizaciones de seguridad, reuniones informativas y recursos al equipo entrante de Trump antes de que éste preste juramento al cargo el 20 de enero.

Contactos de medios

David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de comunicaciones

Ariana Marmolejo

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Oeste)

Jennifer García

Estratega de Comunicaciones Regionales (Sur)

Kenny Colston

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales (Medio Oeste)

La red de expertos en reformas democráticas a nivel nacional y estatal de Common Cause son comentaristas frecuentes en los medios. Para hablar con uno de nuestros expertos, comuníquese con cualquier miembro del equipo de prensa mencionado anteriormente.


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Miami Herald/CQ-Roll Call: Asking Clarence Thomas to testify in Senate could spark a showdown

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Miami Herald/CQ-Roll Call: Asking Clarence Thomas to testify in Senate could spark a showdown

Common Cause sent a letter Tuesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee asking them have Thomas testify and “put it on the record for the American people,” as well as have Roberts testify. “The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly proven itself incapable of policing itself without a code of ethics,” Common Cause co-president Marilyn Carpinteyro said in a news release. “It is time for Congress to hold hearings and pass legislation to establish a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices to hold them to the same standards as every other...

USA Today/Gannett: El multimillonario republicano Harlan Crow compró una propiedad al juez Clarence Thomas, según un nuevo informe

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USA Today/Gannett: El multimillonario republicano Harlan Crow compró una propiedad al juez Clarence Thomas, según un nuevo informe

"Los estadounidenses esperan y merecen una Corte Suprema justa e imparcial y necesitamos transparencia para identificar posibles conflictos y restablecer la confianza pública en el tribunal más importante de nuestra nación", dijo la copresidenta de Common Cause, Marilyn Carpinteyro, a principios de esta semana, antes de la última revelación. "La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos ha demostrado repetidamente que es incapaz de vigilarse a sí misma sin un código de ética".

Los veteranos de Common Cause Kathay Feng y Stephen Spaulding asumen funciones de vicepresidentes

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Los veteranos de Common Cause Kathay Feng y Stephen Spaulding asumen funciones de vicepresidentes

Common Cause se complace en anunciar que dos veteranos de Common Cause han asumido el cargo de vicepresidentes del organismo de control gubernamental. Kathay Feng, líder de Common Cause desde hace mucho tiempo, asumirá el cargo de vicepresidente de programas y Stephen Spaulding regresa a Common Cause desde su cargo de director de políticas del Comité de Reglas del Senado de los EE. UU. y se desempeñará como vicepresidente de políticas y asuntos externos. Juntos, los dos ayudarán a liderar los esfuerzos nacionales de Common Cause para reducir las barreras a una democracia más representativa.

Se insta a los comités judiciales a citar al juez Thomas como testigo en las audiencias de ética de la Corte Suprema

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Se insta a los comités judiciales a citar al juez Thomas como testigo en las audiencias de ética de la Corte Suprema

Hoy, Common Cause instó a los Comités Judiciales de la Cámara de Representantes y del Senado a que llamen al juez Clarence Thomas como testigo en las audiencias para examinar la ética de la Corte Suprema a raíz del último escándalo que envuelve al tribunal más importante del país. Un informe reciente de ProPublica reveló que durante más de dos décadas el juez Thomas no informó sobre los regalos de lujo y las vacaciones que recibió del multimillonario donante republicano Harlan Crow. 

Associated Press: Trump’s response to criminal charges revives election lies

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Associated Press: Trump’s response to criminal charges revives election lies

Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, which has long been critical of Trump’s allegations of election rigging, noted that all the investigations of the former president began well before he started running for president again.

“Nobody is above the law, including former presidents, and running for president cannot and must not serve as a shield for wrongful conduct,” Scherb said.

Florida Public Radio/WFSU: Florida elections bill would further restrict voter registration groups

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Florida Public Radio/WFSU: Florida elections bill would further restrict voter registration groups

“We saw that it has a lot more restrictions on third-party voter registration organizations," said Amy Keith, program director for Common Cause Florida, an organization that works to ensure fair and free elections. "When you put more rules, when you put more fines, you restrict their work."

"When you restrict a small community organization, and you put more of a burden on them, they don't have the ability to comply," Keith said.

Charleston Gazette-Mail: As Morrisey mounts gubernatorial run, environmental advocates fear he has damaged WV’s climate future

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Charleston Gazette-Mail: As Morrisey mounts gubernatorial run, environmental advocates fear he has damaged WV’s climate future

“Attorney General Morrisey should know better,” Aaron Scherb, senior legislative affairs director at Common Cause, a Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog group, said in a phone interview.

Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission against Trump in 2018 alleging a $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, a pornographic actress known as Stormy Daniels, was an unreported in-kind contribution to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign committee in violation of federal...

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (Op-Ed): Why is Texas voter turnout so embarrassing? Lack of online registration, for starters

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Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (Op-Ed): Why is Texas voter turnout so embarrassing? Lack of online registration, for starters

We got it right in Texas when we inscribed in our Constitution that “all political power is inherent in the people.”

But politicians in power today are not living up to that ideal. Texas is the fourth-most difficult state to vote in by one analysis and 41st in the nation when it comes to voter turnout. We had 9.6 million registered Texas voters sit out the last election — more than the entire population of states such as New Jersey or Virginia.

MarketWatch: Watchdog groups call for Justice Clarence Thomas to address reported failure to disclose gifts from real-estate tycoon

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MarketWatch: Watchdog groups call for Justice Clarence Thomas to address reported failure to disclose gifts from real-estate tycoon

Common Cause’s senior director of legislative affairs, Aaron Scherb, said it would be reasonable for U.S. lawmakers to have Thomas testify as to “why he didn’t put any of these trips on his personal financial-disclosure forms.” Scherb said that move could come from the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin.

Durbin said on Thursday that his committee “will act” to respond to the ProPublica report.

Scherb also described the lack of disclosure by Thomas as “extremely...

Houston Chronicle: Texas Republicans want out of a national program that targets voter fraud

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Houston Chronicle: Texas Republicans want out of a national program that targets voter fraud

“States leaving ERIC and creating their own independent registration system increases the potential for election fraud,” Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas, testified last week. “The GOP and conservatives for years demanded the kind of results ERIC has produced, and states withdrawing from the compact undercut efforts to keep voter rolls clean and prevent illegal voting.”

Ehresman also has questioned whether Nelson’s office could run its own system. She pointed to the office’s...

The Motley Fool: Moment of Trump

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The Motley Fool: Moment of Trump

Just days after the story came out, Common Cause, a Washington-based watchdog group, filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission alleging the $130,000 payment to Daniels amounted to an unreported, illegal in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign for the purpose of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, made in coordination with Cohen.

At the time Common Cause did not know it was Cohen himself who had made the in-kind payment, but later amended the complaints to...

Bloomberg: Swing-State Flip Gives Democrats Path to Sue on Abortion, Voting

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Bloomberg: Swing-State Flip Gives Democrats Path to Sue on Abortion, Voting

Lawsuits challenging Wisconsin’s congressional and state legislative maps “will most definitely” be filed, said Wisconsin Common Cause Executive Director Jay Heck.

As they prepare to ask the courts to evaluate political maps, lawyers will line up voter plaintiffs from areas where Democratic-leaning precincts were merged into Republican-dominated districts beginning in 2011, Heck said.



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