Antonio Gutiérrez

Director ejecutivo


Meet Anthony…

Anthony Gutierrez is the Executive Director of Common Cause Texas. He directs all aspects of our Texas operation from legislative advocacy and media relations to grassroots organizing and coalition building. Prior to joining Common Cause in the summer of 2016, Anthony had been working in Texas politics for 15 years. That experience included nonpartisan work doing advocacy for Latino communities as well as partisan work as a staffer for the Democratic National Committee and the Texas Democratic Party. Anthony has also managed several successful political campaigns for candidates running for federal, state and local offices. Since 2011, he had been running a political consulting agency whose services included campaign management, media production and general consulting. Anthony is an El Paso native who received his bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Texas – San Antonio.

The Latest From Anthony Gutierrez

San Antonio Express-News (Op-Ed): Texas needs an independent redistricting commission

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San Antonio Express-News (Op-Ed): Texas needs an independent redistricting commission

This year's process and these maps were approved against our will. In more than 10 hours of testimony on congressional plans, not a single Texan spoke in favor of the draft maps.

Without reform, we're bound to repeat this flawed process in another 10 years. It's time to put an end to a process that allows the politicians to choose which Texans they want to represent.

Líderes de Texas: No entreguen datos de licencias de conducir para el conteo ciudadano

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Líderes de Texas: No entreguen datos de licencias de conducir para el conteo ciudadano

Al igual que la mayoría de los estados, Texas debería negarse a entregar los registros de licencias de conducir a la Oficina del Censo de Estados Unidos. Utilizar los datos de ciudadanía para manipular los distritos electorales es un intento radical de socavar nuestra democracia.



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