
Conoce a Bob…

Bob Phillips has served as Executive Director of Common Cause North Carolina since 2001.

Bob’s work includes lobbying the legislature and building statewide grassroots campaigns for good-government reforms. He is a North Carolina native, a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and worked as a broadcast journalist in Raleigh and press secretary for former Lt. Gov. Dennis Wicker before joining Common Cause.

The Latest From Bob Phillips

Another Missed Opportunity

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Another Missed Opportunity

North Carolina lawmakers had a golden opportunity this month to adopt fair, nonpartisan standards for drawing new legislative voting districts. Instead, they opted for politics as usual, keeping partisanship at the core of a deeply flawed redistricting process.

Gerrymandering is bad for business in North Carolina

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Gerrymandering is bad for business in North Carolina

Over 100 CEOs of prominent corporations have urged North Carolina lawmakers to rethink the passage of House Bill 2, approved in just a day to block Charlotte’s anti-discrimination ordinance. And nearly half of North Carolina voters want to repeal HB2, according to recent survey results from Public Policy Polling.

La Corte Suprema rechaza una reforma radical de la Constitución en el caso de redistribución de distritos de Evenwel

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La Corte Suprema rechaza una reforma radical de la Constitución en el caso de redistribución de distritos de Evenwel

Today the U.S. Supreme Court voted 8-0 in Evenwel v. Abbott to allow states to continue to count total population when drawing state legislative districts after each census. The plaintiffs sought an unprecedented change to the U.S. Constitution forbidding states from using census counts of total population and requiring them to draw districts with equal number of voters.

Video from America’s Journey for Justice

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Video from America’s Journey for Justice

Watch video from the Journey for Justice rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, from September 3, 2015.

DECEPCIÓN: Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo prohíbe la inscripción el mismo día y la votación fuera del recinto

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DECEPCIÓN: Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo prohíbe la inscripción el mismo día y la votación fuera del recinto

La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos revocó un fallo de un tribunal federal que habría permitido el registro de votantes el mismo día y la votación provisional fuera del distrito electoral en Carolina del Norte para las elecciones de noviembre.



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