صوت بـ "لا" على التعديل رقم 6 لأنه ليس من الضروري أن تكون ثريًا حتى تتمكن من الترشح لمنصب عام. التعهد بالتصويت بـ "لا"!

قائمة طعام

بيان صحفي

انضمت منظمة Common Cause Florida إلى 35 منظمة تصويت وحقوق مدنية تعارض الحواجز المقترحة لتسجيل الناخبين

أرسل تحالف مكون من 36 مجموعة رسالة إلى الزعماء التشريعيين يحذرون فيها من أن السود واللاتينيين في فلوريدا سيواجهون حواجز في تسجيل الناخبين.

TALLAHASSEE — Common Cause Florida joined 35 other voting and civil rights groups in sending a letter Tuesday to legislative leaders opposing legislation that would greatly restrict voter registration efforts in the state and change the rules on voting by mail for the third year in a row. 

Click هنا to view a copy of the letter 36 groups sent to Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo and House Speaker Paul Renner. 

Both houses of the Florida legislature have advanced the anti-voter bills, مشروع قانون مجلس الشيوخ رقم 7050  and its companion bill House Bill 7067, that would significantly restrict the activities of community-based voter registration groups that have long provided critical support for registering new voters. These community-based groups have made it possible for many Floridians to exercise their right to vote, with one out of every 10 Black and Latino Floridians and one out of every 50 white voters using these community-based groups to register to vote. 

These groups are especially needed for Floridians who do not possess a Florida driver’s license or Florida state ID and therefore can’t register to vote online. 

Statement from إيمي كيث، مديرة برنامج Common Cause Florida 

"Voting should be accessible to every eligible person and not made more difficult for anyone, especially Black and Latino Floridians who have been repeatedly targeted by voter suppression efforts in our state. Our elected leaders must stop trying to silence us at the polls and instead start addressing the real problems that our communities face.”



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