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قائمة طعام

بيان صحفي

Common Cause Florida Reminds Voters “Election Day Is Not Results Day”

Election officials will need to tally up to 11 million ballots if 2020 turnout numbers hold

سانت بطرسبرغ — Florida voters have until 7 p.m. Tuesday to cast their in-person ballot or return a vote-by-mail ballot for the 2022 midterm election. As voters head to the polls, Common Cause Florida is reminding voters that it may take days for election officials to finalize results.

“It’s crucial every voice is heard in this election and that means counting every vote,” said إيمي كيث، مديرة برنامج Common Cause Florida. “It takes time to count every vote accurately and that’s why Election Day is not results day. Even though we may not know the election winners when we go to bed, what matters most is making sure every voter’s ballot is counted accurately.”

Before election officials can begin counting ballots, they must first process ballots, which includes checking to make sure the declaration on the outside of the vote-by-mail ballot envelope is signed by the voter. If there is a problem with the voter’s signature on their vote-by-mail ballot, the voter has until 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10 to submit the paperwork to correct their signature.

Florida is one of 10 states that allow election workers to begin counting ballots before Election Day.

“Florida’s election workers will be working hard today and in coming days to ensure this election, like those before, is safe and secure,” Keith said. “That means we may not find out who won every race in the hours after polls close, but we will have the assurance that every vote will be tallied and counted in our state.”

Florida saw record turnout in the 2020 election, with 77% of registered voters participating and more than 11 million votes cast.

To find 2022 Florida election results, click هنا.


Election Day Information 


يمكن للناخبين الذين لديهم أي أسئلة حول عملية التصويت أو يواجهون مشاكل الاتصال بخط المساعدة غير الحزبي لحماية الانتخابات على الرقم 866-OUR-VOTE. 

Voters who requested a vote by mail ballot:

  • Must make sure their signed ballot is received by their county elections office by 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8 (postmark date is not enough). On Election Day, Nov. 8, Secure Ballot Intake Stations are only available at مشرف مكتب الانتخاباتs. 
  • Can opt to vote in person at the Election Day precinct for their current residence, even if they never received their vote-by-mail ballot.

Voters who want to vote in-person on Tuesday, Nov. 8يجب أن يكون يوم الانتخابات:

  • Bring valid (non-expired) photo/signature ID. The list of acceptable IDs is available هنا.
  • صوت في الدائرة الانتخابية الصحيحة لمكان إقامتك الحالي. يمكن للناخبين البحث في دوائرهم الانتخابية هنا.
  • يجب الوصول إلى مراكز الاقتراع خلال ساعات التصويت، حيث تكون مراكز الاقتراع مفتوحة من الساعة 7 صباحًا حتى 7 مساءً
  • يجب أن يُسمح لأي ناخب موجود في الصف للتصويت في الساعة 7 مساءً بالتصويت. 




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