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Dangerous Florida Ethics Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk

“Common Cause Florida calls on Governor DeSantis to veto this bill if he believes that Floridians deserve protection from corruption," said Amy Keith, executive director of Common Cause Florida.

Money & Influence 03.6.2024

"Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue of special interests and big campaign donors is a step backward. It silences the voices of everyday Floridians and gives favor to the wealthy to corrupt our politics," said Amy Keith Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.


"Let’s be clear: This bill doesn’t protect Floridians from harmful AI-created disinformation in our elections. It is just a fig leaf," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.   

Money & Influence 02.7.2024

“Make no mistake: Floridians know that wealthy special interests and big campaign donors have too much power in politics. Seeking to repeal laws that address this issue would be a step backward," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

"The last minute ‘poison pill’ amendments rushed into the Senate Ethics bill will paralyze ethics complaints against public officials who have violated the public trust," said Amy Keith, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

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