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Last Day to Request a Ballot be Mailed to You in Florida is Saturday

Early voting will be up and running in every Florida county, and registered voters can still request and get a vote-by-mail ballot.

 St. PETERSBURG — All voters have until Saturday Oct. 29 at 5 p.m. to ask their Supervisor of Elections office to send them a vote-by-mail in the November 8 midterm election. Early voting also begins statewide Saturday, Oct. 29.

“Our democracy is strongest when every eligible voter can cast a ballot freely and fairly,” said Amy Keith, program director for Common Cause Florida.  “We know we all plan to vote, but sometimes life happens and we’re not able to get to the polls before they close. Voting by mail ensures no matter what happens in our lives on Election Day, we can still make our voices heard.”

All Florida voters can check their voter registration status Hier and find their local election office to request a vote-by-mail ballot Hier.

“Voting by mail is an increasingly popular way to cast a ballot because it is safe, secure, and accessible for voters of all parties and backgrounds. Just as we did in 2020, we’ll continue to come together across race and place to make our voices heard using vote by mail,” Amy Keith said.   

To make sure your vote is counted, make sure your vote-by-mail ballot is received by your county elections office by 7 p.m. Nov. 8, Election Day. Common Cause Florida suggests mailing back your signed ballot as soon as possible or dropping your signed ballot off in a Secure Ballot Intake Station, which are available at county elections offices and early voting sites during hours of operation. Once you return your ballot, you can track it using the Online-Tracker provided by most Florida counties.

In part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, national voting by mail participation surged in 2020, with nearly 70% of voters casting a ballot by mail or before Election Day. In 2016, just 40% of voters cast a ballot by mail or ahead of Election Day. Nationally in 2020, those who chose to cast a ballot by mail or ahead of Election Day trended older, college educated, and identified as Asian American.


Voter Information for the 2022 General Election

 There are three different ways that registered Florida voters can vote: by mail, in-person at early voting sites in ihrem Landkreis oder in-person at their assigned polling location on Nov. 8, Election Day. 

Wähler, die Fragen zum Wahlvorgang haben oder auf Probleme stoßen, können sich an die überparteiliche Wahlschutz-Hotline unter 866-OUR-VOTE wenden. 

Diejenigen, die sich dafür entscheiden, per Briefwahl abstimmen muss:

  • Request a vote-by-mail ballot through their county Leiter des Wahlbüros.
  • Unterschreiben Sie die Rückseite des Wahlumschlags.
  • Make sure the ballot is received by their county elections office by 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 8. (postmark date is not enough)

If there is a problem with the voter’s signature on their vote-by-mail ballot, the voter has until 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10 to submit the paperwork to correct their signature. 

Note: Common Cause Florida recommends mailing in ballots at least 10 days in advance or dropping signed ballots off in Secure Ballot Intake Stations available at county elections offices and early voting sites during hours of operation. Voters can check to see if their ballots were received in the mail through Online-Tracker von den meisten Bezirkswahlämtern bereitgestellt.  

Die Menschen können auch frühzeitig persönlich abstimmen an den Wahllokalen der Landkreise für die vorzeitige Stimmabgabe.

  • Statewide early voting is between Saturday, Oct. 29 and Saturday, Nov. 5, though some counties have early voting beginning Oct. 24 and running through Nov. 6. Voters can look up early voting locations, dates and times through their county elections office Hier.
  • Voters can use any early voting site in their county to vote in-person or drop vote-by-mail ballots in Secure Ballot Intake Stations.
  • Voters must provide a valid photo/signature ID to vote in-person in Florida during early voting or on election day. There are 12 acceptable forms of ID, with the list available Hier.

 Diejenigen, die wollen vote in-person on Tuesday, Nov. 8Der Wahltag muss:

  • Bringen Sie einen gültigen (nicht abgelaufenen) Lichtbild-/Unterschriftenausweis mit.
  • Wählen Sie im richtigen Wahlbezirk für Ihren aktuellen Wohnsitz. Wähler können ihren Wahlbezirk nachschlagen Hier.
  • Kommen Sie während der Wahlzeiten zum Wahllokal. Die Wahllokale sind von 7.00 bis 19.00 Uhr geöffnet.
  • Jedem Wähler, der um 19 Uhr in der Warteschlange steht, muss die Abgabe seiner Stimme gestattet werden. 

Voters in Charlotte, Lee and Sarasota counties can find information about voting changes in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian Hier. Common Cause Florida has also prepared a frequently asked questions document to support voters affected by Hurricane Ian. Any voters displaced by Hurricane Ian are strongly encouraged to call their Supervisor of Elections office to determine their voting options and ensure their ballot counts.


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