Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6, denn man sollte nicht reich sein müssen, um für ein Amt zu kandidieren. Versprechen Sie, mit Nein zu stimmen!


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Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6


Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6

If this amendment passes, it will decrease the voice of everyday Floridians and further increase the influence of wealthy special interests on our politics. Take the pledge to Vote NO on Amendment 6 in November 2024! Here’s why this is important: Public campaign financing is one of the most effective ways to support a greater diversity of candidates to be able to run for office – and a more diverse pool of candidates fosters a...
Volunteer with Election Protection

Volunteer with Election Protection

Join the thousands across the country who instantly rally when there is a threat to democracy.

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Explore Our Voting Tools for Florida Voters

Our democracy works best when every eligible voter can participate. That’s why we’re working to help voters who have questions or problems. Explore our voting tools:
Veto SB 7014

Tell Gov. DeSantis: Don’t strip away ethics enforcement in Florida

Veto SB 7014

If signed into law, SB 7014 will require direct personal knowledge of wrongdoing in order to make ethics complaints against officials.

This effort to undermine democracy is unacceptable. If you agree, send this letter to tell Governor DeSantis to VETO SB 7014.

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Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6


Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6

If this amendment passes, it will decrease the voice of everyday Floridians and further increase the influence of wealthy special interests on our politics. Take the pledge to Vote NO on Amendment 6 in November 2024! Here’s why this is important: Public campaign financing is one of the most effective ways to support a greater diversity of candidates to be able to run for office – and a more diverse pool of candidates fosters a...


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