Stimmen Sie im November 2024 mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6: Denn die Wähler sollten Wahlen beeinflussen, nicht die großen Geldgeber. Legen Sie das Versprechen ab!


HEUTE um 14 Uhr: Republikaner in Florida beschleunigen Gesetzentwurf zur Erhöhung der Hürden für Wähler

„Florida galt jahrelang als Maßstab für gut organisierte Wahlen. Doch dieser Gesetzesentwurf würde es den Wahlbeamten erschweren, sichere Wahlen für alle durchzuführen.“

Lawmakers hold hearing on SB 7050, elections bill that hurts low-income Floridians  

Tallahassee, Florida — Today at 2pm ET, Florida Republicans will hear Senate Bill 7050, a dangerous elections bill that would make it harder for Floridians to register to vote, to vote by mail, and would weaken the state’s campaign finance laws. Rushing to today’s hearing, Republicans are giving lawmakers and the public less than 24 hours to consider a nearly 100-page piece of legislation.

Common Cause Florida will provide in-person testimony at the hearing. To livestream the Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections hearing, klicken Sie hier.

“Although we’ve had extremely limited time to analyze the impact of this 98-page bill, our initial analysis finds this will make it harder for low-income Floridians to register to vote and cast a ballot,” said Amy Keith, Programmdirektorin von Common Cause Florida. “After years of Florida being the gold standard in well-run elections, this bill would make it harder for elections officials to administer a safe and secure election for all.”

Amy Keith will be available for one-on-one interviews following her testimony.  


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