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Gericht in Florida entzieht sich der Verantwortung, unfaire Wahlkarte zu stoppen

„Diese Entscheidung ignoriert eklatant den Willen der Wähler Floridas, die vor mehr als einem Jahrzehnt faire Wahlkreise forderten, die die Vertretung farbiger Gemeinschaften schützen.“

Tallahassee, FL — This afternoon, Florida’s First District Court of Appeal reversed a lower court’s decision and allowed the Kongresskarte that the DeSantis Administration pushed through the legislature in 2022 to stand.

Statement of Amy Keith, Common Cause Florida Executive Director 

“This decision blatantly ignores the will of Florida voters who—more than a decade ago—demanded Fair Districts that protect representation for communities of color.  

The Fair Districts Amendments were designed to stop the kind of gerrymandering the court has green lighted today. The decision goes against the will of the voters of Florida and their right to fair maps. 

We are deeply disappointed by today’s state court decision, and we want Florida voters to know there is still hope for a fair congressional map that protects the rights of Black voters. Common Cause and our partners took the DeSantis Administration to federal court to hold them accountable for intentionally drawing discriminatory maps in Gemeinsame Ursache Florida gegen Byrd and we are still waiting for a decision. 

Our work is not done until all voters can exercise their right to fair representation.”  



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