Stimmen Sie mit NEIN zu Änderungsantrag 6, denn man sollte nicht reich sein müssen, um für ein Amt zu kandidieren. Versprechen Sie, mit Nein zu stimmen!



Letzte Chance zur Wählerregistrierung vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen

Verwirrt oder abgewiesen? Unsere überparteiliche Hotline kann helfen

Common Cause Florida urges voters to register to vote before today’s deadline. Any eligible voters who are confused by registration or turned away are urged to call a nonpartisan Election Protection hotline for assistance.

Florida accepts new and updated voter registration by Monday, October 5. Eligible voters can register or update their registration multiple ways: in person at their County Supervisor of Elections office, online at the Florida Department of State website (with a FL driver license or FL ID card) or by mail if the application is postmarked by October 5.  Federal and state law have designated government agencies to serve as voter registration agencies.  These include offices that provide public assistance, offices that provide state funded programs for persons with disabilities, Armed Forces Recruitment Offices, Centers for Independent Living and Public Libraries.

Florida Voter Registration Deadlines

Online: Oct. 5 by Midnight
Register at:
By mail: Postmarked by Oct. 5
In person: Oct. 5
Contact your local Supervisor of Elections for in-person hours.

Election Protection Coalition Hotlines

Englisch: 866-OUR-VOTE
Spanisch/Englisch: 888-VE-Y-VOTA
Arabisch/Englisch: 844-YALLA-US
Asiatische Sprachen/Englisch: 888-API-VOTE
Disabled Florida Resident: 800-342-0823
Koalition zur Wiederherstellung der Rechte Floridas für zurückkehrende Bürger: 877-MY-VOTE-0 (877-698-6830)


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