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Common Cause Florida fordert sofortigen Rücktritt von Senator Rick Scott und zwölf Kongressmitgliedern

Nach dem Aufstand am Mittwoch im US-Kapitol fordert Common Cause Florida den sofortigen Rücktritt von Senator Rick Scott und zwölf Kongressmitgliedern, nachdem sie dafür gestimmt hatten, den Willen des Volkes zu missachten.

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Florida is calling for the immediate resignation of Sen. Rick Scott and Representatives Kat Cammack, Mario Diaz-Balart, Byron Donalds, Neal P. Dunn, C. Scott Franklin, Matt Gaetz, Carlos A. Gimenez, Brian J. Mast, Bill Posey, John H. Rutherford, W. Gregory Steube and Daniel Webster, after they voted to overturn the will of the people, failed to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and played a clear role in spreading disinformation around the election, leading to the violence.

“In our democracy, voters decide who wins elections.” said Anjenys Gonzalez-Eilert, executive director of Common Cause Florida. “One Senator and twelve of our Representatives failed to follow the Constitution and their oath of office Wednesday by voting to overturn the will of the people. They have proved they cannot carry out the duties of their office in our democratic republic and must immediately resign.”

“Make no mistake, the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was incited by President Trump,” Gonzalez-Eilert said. “Thirteen of Florida’s elected federal officials failed to accept the results of free and fair elections and played a role in spreading disinformation. Instead of upholding the Constitution, and the will of the voters, they voted to subvert the government we elected them to serve. They must be removed from office immediately.”

Common Cause is also exploring other means to hold the Members of Congress who voted against accepting the certified election results accountable when they had no legitimate basis to object, including expulsion and Ethics Committee investigations.


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