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Voting & Elections 11.4.2015

Interim Report for week of Nov 1, 2015

Legislative report from Florida legislative interim committees in preparation for the 2016 session.


Common Cause Florida Protects Citizen Access to the Courts

Common Cause files amicus curiae brief supporting citizen standing in the courts to hold local government accountable. Common Cause’s interest in this case is based primarily on a citizen’s right to sue, but also government accountability, openness and transparency.

Voting & Elections 08.24.2015

Redistricting Update: Week 1

Redistricting Update Day 8 of the 12-Day Special Session On Congressional Redistricting


July, 2015 Board Meeting Announced

The Common Cause Florida Advisory Board will meet via conference call from 4 to 5:30 PM, EDT, on Friday, July 24, 2015.

Voting & Elections 05.4.2015

Report from Tallahassee for Week Ending May 1, 2015

During the last week of the regular session two significant, Common Cause-supported bills were sent to the governor. One is our top priority issue, online voter registration, the other related to modest reforms of the Public Service Commission. A surprise came when the House adjourned sine die, three days early, leaving scores of bills dead for the session. The legislature will re-convene within the next to months to pass a budget, since both houses were hopelessly deadlocked, especially over the issue of Medicare expansion.

Voting & Elections 04.27.2015

Report from Tallahassee for Week Ending April 24, 2015

Heading into the last week of the regular session, the Legislature is expected to pass our top priority, online voter registration, two ethics bills and modest reforms to the Public Service Commission. But with the House and Senate in a deadlock over Medicaid expansion and $4B apart in the budget, anything can happen! A key question is whether the Governor will veto OVR.

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