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Florida no puede permitir que el mantenimiento de su padrón electoral esté determinado por un software propenso a errores

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Florida no puede permitir que el mantenimiento de su padrón electoral esté determinado por un software propenso a errores

Los grupos de derechos electorales de Florida enviaron una carta el viernes al Secretario de Estado Cord Byrd para exigir que el estado no utilice datos no confiables de fuentes privadas de EagleAI o plataformas similares para el mantenimiento de la lista de votantes.

Contactos de prensa

Jennifer García

Estratega de comunicaciones regionales

David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios

Katie Scally

Director de Comunicaciones


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97 resultados

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ACTUALIZACIÓN: Argumentos orales de Jones v DeSantis

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ACTUALIZACIÓN: Argumentos orales de Jones v DeSantis

Hoy, el tribunal federal de apelaciones celebró los argumentos orales en el caso Jones v. DeSantis, que determina la constitucionalidad de los obstáculos basados en la riqueza para votar. "La SB 7066 limita la cantidad de personas pobres que pueden votar. Crea un sistema de pago por voto que es un anatema para los valores de nuestro país. La capacidad de participar en nuestra democracia nunca debería estar condicionada a las circunstancias económicas".

Common Cause Florida Files Amicus Brief in Jones v. DeSantis

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Common Cause Florida Files Amicus Brief in Jones v. DeSantis

Represented by Covington & Burling LLP, Common Cause Florida today filed an amicus brief in Jones v. DeSantis, urging a federal appeals court to uphold a decision that concluded a Florida law that created wealth-based hurdles to voting is unconstitutional.

Common Cause Florida Denounces New Law Restricting Citizen-Led Amendments

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Common Cause Florida Denounces New Law Restricting Citizen-Led Amendments

Our government is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ -- but in the middle of a public health emergency, our government is now making it harder for ‘the people’ to have their voices heard.

Voting Rights Groups Urge Governor to Veto Bill Restricting Citizen-Led Amendments

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Voting Rights Groups Urge Governor to Veto Bill Restricting Citizen-Led Amendments

Common Cause Florida, the League of Women Voters of Florida and 11 other groups today urged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to veto SB 1794, a bill that would make it harder for citizens to propose amendment to the state constitution.

“Our government is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ and yet our Legislature is making it harder for the people to have their voices heard,” said Anjenys Gonzalez-Eilert, Executive Director of Common Cause Florida.

Voting Rights Groups Demand Equal Access to Voting Sites for African-American Voters in Panama City Ahead of March 17 Primary Election

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Voting Rights Groups Demand Equal Access to Voting Sites for African-American Voters in Panama City Ahead of March 17 Primary Election

The groups’ letter identifies serious racial disparities in Early Voting access in Panama City, as well as other barriers to voting access for African-American and low-wealth voters, many of whom continue to face difficulties recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Michael, which made landfall as a Category 5 hurricane on October 10, 2018.

Russian Attacks on Florida County Voting Systems Must Be Countered with Action and Federal Funds

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Russian Attacks on Florida County Voting Systems Must Be Countered with Action and Federal Funds

Floridians expect and deserve to know that state and federal officials are taking proper precautions to safeguard the integrity of election systems. As a perennial election battleground state, we know that we are and will remain a target. New revelations that not one, but two Florida county election systems were breached by Russian hackers during the 2016 election cycle raise serious concerns that must be addressed by state officials and the U.S. Congress.

Coalition Calls on Governor-elect and Legislature for Election Reforms

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Coalition Calls on Governor-elect and Legislature for Election Reforms

We are counting on the Governor-elect and legislators to approve these reforms, and others like them, during the upcoming Legislative Session. Florida should be leading the nation and indeed the world with a fair and efficient election process, where every citizens’ vote is counted. Floridians deserve no less.

Common Cause & League of Women Voters Call for Gov. Scott to Recuse Himself from Florida Recount

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Common Cause & League of Women Voters Call for Gov. Scott to Recuse Himself from Florida Recount

Today, Common Cause Florida and the League of Women Voters of Florida called on Gov. Rick Scott to immediately remove himself from any role in the recount of the 2018 Florida General Election.  The letter urges Gov. Scott to recognize the clear conflict of interest in overseeing the recount of his own race for the U.S. Senate and recuse himself from any related role or warns that the groups will be forced to immediately seek a formal emergency remedy from the courts.

We Reiterate

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We Reiterate

Common Cause Florida, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, ACLU of Florida,
ACLU, and Advancement Project national office write to express our continued concern about
the lack of accurate and accessible information on how Florida voters can participate in the
November 2018 election.

Florida Supreme Court Says Next Florida Governor Will Pick New Justices

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Florida Supreme Court Says Next Florida Governor Will Pick New Justices

"The petition for writ of quo warranto against Governor Rick Scott is hereby granted. The governor who is elected in the November 2018 general election has
the sole authority to fill the vacancies that will be created by the mandatory retirement of Justices Barbara J. Pariente, R. Fred Lewis, and Peggy A. Quince,
provided the justices do not leave prior to the expiration of their terms at midnight between January 7 and January 8, 2019, and provided that the governor takes
office immediately upon the beginning of his term."

Ante la proximidad del huracán Michael y la fecha límite para el registro de votantes, los defensores de la democracia presentaron una demanda para extender el plazo de registro

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Ante la proximidad del huracán Michael y la fecha límite para el registro de votantes, los defensores de la democracia presentaron una demanda para extender el plazo de registro

Mientras el huracán Michael avanzaba hacia la región del Panhandle de Florida y los votantes experimentaban problemas intermitentes con el registro de votación en línea del estado, Common Cause Florida, New Florida Majority Education Fund y Mi Familia Vota Education Fund fueron demandantes en una demanda por medidas cautelares y declaratorias de emergencia.



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