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Common Cause Florida da la bienvenida a Amy Keith como su nueva directora de programas

Amy Keith se ha unido a Common Cause Florida como su nueva directora de programas.

Common Cause Florida named Amy Keith as its program director this week. In this role, she will lead Common Cause Florida’s election protection, money in politics, redistricting, voting rights legislation and election administration projects. 

Based in St. Petersburg, Keith comes to Common Cause Florida with more than 20 years of international and U.S. experience in nonprofit management, coalition-building, and advocacy. Her career background includes international humanitarian response to complex crises and advocacy supporting refugees and internally displaced people, primarily in South Asia and the Middle East. 

In Florida, Keith has been actively engaged in the voting rights space for several years leading volunteer poll monitoring, election protection, and civic education initiatives. 

“I believe in the power of people working together to protect their most basic rights. That’s what drew me to Common Cause – our work to empower voters to defend their own and each other’s right to vote,” Keith said.  “We have a lot of work to do in Florida right now to defend access to the ballot, and I am excited to be joining the team and bringing my skills to this fight.”

“Amy brings a wealth of experience from her background in humanitarian work,” said Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. “Her coalition-building and advocacy skills are of critical use right now as she and other Floridians push back against the ongoing attacks on voting rights.” 



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