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Lo que los votantes deben saber para las elecciones del 23 de agosto en Florida

Información sobre lo que los votantes de Florida necesitan saber sobre la votación anticipada, la votación por correo y la votación el día de las elecciones del 23 de agosto.

Florida’s 14.3 million registered voters are eligible to vote in this month’s election, but some may not know where and when to vote because of recent election law changes and the 2021 redistricting process. 

As early voting begins statewide this Saturday, Aug. 13, Common Cause Florida urges voters to spend time now to make a plan of how they will vote. 

This year’s Aug. 23 election includes non-partisan school board, judicial and local races as well as primary elections to select party slates of state and federal candidates for the November general election. All registered voters can cast votes in the non-partisan races, while only those registered with political parties can vote in Florida’s closed party primaries.  (You can look up your ballot and voter precinct information aquí.) 

Common Cause Florida Program Director Amy Keith has been training election protection volunteers around the state to ensure every eligible Floridian can vote without issue. 

“Every election is important, and this coming primary election is a chance for the nearly 14.3 million registered voters in Florida to shape the future of our state,” Keith said. “Please make a plan now for how you’ll vote and share credible, accurate information about how to vote with your loved ones, neighbors and community members.”


Información para los votantes de las elecciones primarias de 2022


There are three different ways that registered Florida voters can vote: by mail, in-person at early voting sites en su condado, o En persona en su lugar de votación asignado el 23 de agosto, día de las elecciones. 

Voters who have any questions about the voting process or encounter problems can contact the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. 

Aquellos que eligen vote by mail debe:

  • Request a vote-by-mail ballot  through their county Oficina del Supervisor de Elecciones.
  • Sign the back of the ballot envelope.
  • Make sure the ballot is received by their county election office by 7 p.m., Tuesday Aug. 23. (postmark date is not enough)

If there is a problem with the voter’s signature on their vote-by-mail ballot, the voter has until 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25 to submit the paperwork to correct their signature. 

Note: Common Cause Florida recommends mailing in ballots at least 10 days in advance or dropping off signed ballots in Secure Ballot Intake Stations available at county elections offices and early voting sites during hours of operation. Voters can check to see if their ballots were received in the mail through rastreadores en línea proporcionado por la mayoría de las oficinas de supervisores electorales del condado.  

La gente también puede votar anticipadamente en persona en los sitios de votación anticipada del condado.

  • Statewide early voting is between Saturday, Aug. 13 and Saturday, August 20, though some counties have early voting beginning August 8 and running through August 21. Voters can look up early voting locations, dates and times through their county elections office aquí.
  • Los votantes pueden utilizar cualquier sitio de votación anticipada en su condado para votar en persona o dejar sus boletas por correo en las estaciones de recepción segura de boletas.
  • Debe presentar una identificación válida con fotografía y firma para votar en persona en Florida durante la votación anticipada o el día de las elecciones. Hay 12 formas de identificación aceptables, y la lista está disponible aquí.

Aquellos que quieran Votar en persona el martes 23 de agostoEl día de las elecciones debe:

  • Traiga una identificación con fotografía y firma válida (no vencida).
  • Votar en el distrito electoral correspondiente a su residencia actual. Los votantes pueden buscar sus distritos electorales aquí.
  • Llegar a las urnas durante el horario de votación. Las urnas están abiertas de 7:00 a 19:00 horas.
  • Cualquier votante que se encuentre en fila para votar a las 7 p. m. debe poder votar. 




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