Votez NON à l’amendement 6, car vous ne devriez pas avoir besoin d’être riche pour vous présenter à une élection. Engagez-vous à voter Non !

Communiqué de presse

Les électeurs peuvent toujours voter à domicile avant les élections de 2020

Les électeurs admissibles qui souhaitent voter par correspondance peuvent toujours le faire s’ils viennent chercher et déposer leur bulletin de vote par correspondance.

Changed your mind about voting in person? You can still vote by mail.

Eligible voters who want to vote by mail can choose to do so — if they pick up their vote-by-mail ballot in person at a Supervisor of Elections and return the ballot by 7 p.m. November 3, Election Day. The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot to be mailed to a voter has passed.

Florida law permits eligible voters to pick up a vote-by-mail ballot in person or by a  designee on their behalf in the final days before the election. See the Florida Division of Elections for details on the affidavit to pick up a blank vote-by-mail ballot. If a voter or designee waits until Election Day to pick up or have delivered a vote-by-mail ballot, an election day delivery affidavit must be completed in addition.

To count, all vote-by-mail ballots must be received by 7 p.m. on election night. Postmarks do not count for domestic vote-by-mail ballots. Any ballots received after 7 p.m. election night will not be counted, regardless of when they were mailed.

To ensure that vote-by-mail ballots are received by the deadline, voters or their designee are encouraged to return their completed ballots at secure drop boxes at Supervisor of Elections’ main and branch offices and early voting sites during the days and hours of operation before Election Day. On Monday, November 2 and Election Day itself, ballots need to be dropped off at the Supervisor of Elections’ offices as they will not be accepted precinct polling places.

“No Florida voter should put a ballot in the mail at this point because it may not arrive before the deadline. Dropping it off is recommended this close to Election Day,” said Anjenys Gonzalez-Eilert, executive director of Common Cause Florida.

Please contact the superviseur des élections du comté or visit their website for the location of all early voting and vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.

Confused by the rules or turned away at the polls? Contact a nonpartisan Election Protection Coalition hotline for assistance.

Election Protection Hotlines
Espagnol/Anglais : 888-VE-Y-VOTA
Arabe/Anglais : 844-YALLA-US
Langues asiatiques/anglais : 888-API-VOTE
Disabled Florida Residents: 800-342-0823
Coalition de restauration des droits des citoyens de retour en Floride : 877-MY-VOTE-0 (877-698-6830)



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