Votez NON à l’amendement 6, car vous ne devriez pas avoir besoin d’être riche pour vous présenter à une élection. Engagez-vous à voter Non !

Communiqué de presse

Des groupes de défense du droit de vote exhortent le gouverneur de Floride DeSantis à opposer son veto à la dernière législation anti-électorale

Common Cause Florida et d'autres groupes de défense du droit de vote ont exhorté aujourd'hui le gouverneur de Floride Ron DeSantis à opposer son veto au projet de loi 524 du Sénat, qui aurait de lourdes conséquences sur les élections dans l'État.

TALLAHASSEE —  A coalition of voting rights groups today urged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto Senate Bill 524, which would have widespread consequences on elections in the state. The Florida Legislature recently passed the bill that, among other things, would create an Office of Election Crimes and Security and raise the cap of aggregate annual fines on third-party groups that register voters to $50,000.

In their letter sent to Gov. DeSantis, the groups warn that these plans to increase fines against any organizations that register voters and to create an office investigating unfounded claims of election crimes would deter voters from participating in elections. An election crimes office, in particular, would perpetuate constant lies about election results and would potentially be used to intimidate voters through the use of law enforcement.

“Voters must have trust in elections. As you have acknowledged, Florida elections are safe and secure. Election officials and the Florida Secretary of State agree. The provisions in this bill undermine our democracy and are unnecessary. On behalf of Florida citizens, we ask that you stand up for free, fair, and accessible elections and veto SB 524,” the groups wrote.

Le full letter can be found here and was signed by the following organizations:

  • ACLU of Florida
  • Advancement Project
  • AFL-CIO Florida
  • All Voting is Local
  • Alianza for Progress
  • Bend The Arc, South Florida
  • Black Voters Matter
  • Chispa Florida
  • Cause commune en Floride
  • Democracy For All
  • Disability Rights Florida
  • Equal Ground Action Fund
  • Faith in Florida
  • Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
  • Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy
  • Florida Conservation Voters
  • Florida Immigrant Coalition
  • Florida Rising
  • Hispanic Federation
  • Hope Community Center
  • League of Women Voters
  • Conférence de l'État de Floride de la NAACP
  • NAACP Legal Defense Fund
  • Mi Familia Vota
  • PoderLatinX
  • Progress FL
  • State Voices FL



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