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Voting & Elections 04.27.2023

Statement on 11th Circuit Court Anti-Voter Ruling in S.B. 90 Lawsuit

The appeals court reversed a lower court decision, leaving in place measures that will restrict access to the ballot box.

Voting & Elections 04.26.2023

Anti-voter Legislation Would Restrict Important Pathway for New Voter Registrations

A coalition of 36 groups sent a letter to legislative leaders warning that Black, Latino Floridians will face voter registration barriers.

Voting & Elections 04.18.2023

ADVISORY: Florida Legislature Surges Ahead with Voter Suppression Bills

A 108-page House bill was just released, containing a long list of anti-voter measures that will erect even more barriers to people's fundamental rights to vote.


TODAY at 11am: Florida Lawmakers to Hold Hearing on Bill That Hurts Public Discourse

Today, Florida lawmakers will hold a hearing on SB 1220, legislation that aims to take away the public’s right to speak freely.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2023

TODAY at 2pm: Florida Republicans to Fast Track Bill to Raise Barriers for Voters

“After years of Florida being the gold standard in well-run elections, this bill would make it harder for elections officials to administer a safe and secure election for all.”

Media & Democracy 03.13.2023

Public Discourse in Florida and the Free Press Must Be Protected

Common Cause Florida stands in opposition to attempts seeking to curtail the rights of the public and the press.

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