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Voting & Elections 11.9.2022

Major Storm Could Disrupt Efforts to Cure the 16,000-plus Flagged Ballots

More than 16,000 Floridians who voted by mail but had their ballots flagged for signature or other issues need to take steps now to ensure their votes are counted.

Voting & Elections 11.7.2022

Time Is Needed to Ensure Every Vote Is Counted

Election officials will need to tally up to 11 million ballots if 2020 turnout numbers hold

Voting & Elections 11.5.2022

Voting Rights Groups Express Concern over Challenges to Florida Voters

Nonpartisan voting rights groups in Florida’s Election Protection Coalition are concerned about voter challenges prompted by the state in at least 12 counties to the voting eligibility of over 1,900 Floridians on the eve of a major election.

Voting & Elections 11.4.2022

Common Cause Florida Urges Voters to Track their Vote-By-Mail Ballots

More than 15,000 vote-by-mail ballots have been set aside, and Florida voters have until next Thursday to fix.

Voting & Elections 10.28.2022

Early Voting Also Begins Statewide Saturday

Early voting will be up and running in every Florida county, and registered voters can still request and get a vote-by-mail ballot.


Start of Florida's Early Voting

Voters who have questions or problems can contact the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE.

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