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AVISO: Legislatura da Flórida avança com projetos de lei de supressão de eleitores

Um projeto de lei de 108 páginas da Câmara acaba de ser divulgado, contendo uma longa lista de medidas anti-eleitores que criarão ainda mais barreiras aos direitos fundamentais das pessoas de votar.

TALLAHASSEE — Florida voters continue to face an onslaught of voter suppression policies, with both houses of the Florida Legislature pushing dangerous anti-voter omnibus bills seeking to erect barriers to voting. 

The Florida House of Representatives released a 108-page anti-voter bill Monday afternoon that, among other things, seeks to restrict the activities of community-based voter registration groups that provide critical support for registering Black and Latino Floridians to vote. The first hearing on this bill will be 8 a.m. Wednesday, April 19, in the House State Affairs committee hearing in Webster Hall (212 Knott) in the Capitol Building in Tallahassee. 

Meanwhile, the Florida Senate is continuing to push its companion bill Senate Bill 7050. That bill will be heard at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, April 20, in the Senate Fiscal Policy committee (412 Knott Building.) 

Both hearings will be livestreamed aqui.

“These voter suppression bills are part of a coordinated plan to silence Floridians and keep some of us from having a say in the future of our state and country,” said Amy Keith, diretora do programa Common Cause Florida. “These bills need to be stopped in their tracks, so that every eligible voter in Florida can have the opportunity to vote and feel empowered to do so.” 

Common Cause Florida’s Amy Keith will be available for in-person interviews after the Wednesday and Thursday hearings. 



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