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AVISO À IMPRENSA: O que os eleitores da Flórida precisam saber sobre as eleições municipais desta primavera

Todos os pedidos de votação pelo correio na Flórida expiraram no final de 2022, afetando milhões de eleitores.

Municipal elections are happening across Florida this spring, offering important chances for many of Florida’s 14.3 million registered voters to have a say in the future of their towns, cities and communities. 

Among the municipal and local elections being held in March are: 

  • Tuesday, March 7 – Tampa municipal elections
  • Tuesday, March 14 – Numerous municipal elections in Broward, Orange, Palm Beach, Pinealleas, Sarasota counties
  • Tuesday, March 21 – Jacksonville/Duval County local elections 

A full list of scheduled local elections is available aqui. However, voters should check with their Supervisor de Eleições do Condado for up-to-date information on the elections occurring in their area.

Voters who typically cast their ballots by mail need to take additional steps after anti-voter legislation canceled standing vote-by-mail requests for every Florida voter after the November 2022 election. 

The changes to this popular method of voting – one in three Florida voters cast a mail ballot in the last election – will disproportionately affect Black, Hispanic, disabled, rural and older voters. But voters can submit a new vote-by-mail request through their county supervisor of elections now, and have ballots automatically sent to them for all elections through the end of 2024, said Amy Keith, diretora do programa Common Cause Florida. 

“We need to keep Florida voting and that means making sure you have a plan for how to vote in these upcoming municipal elections,” Keith said. “If you prefer to vote by mail, take a few minutes to renew your request and pass the word on to your family and friends about this recent change to our election laws. We need to make sure all our voices are heard, in each and every election, to be a government that truly is of, by and for the people.”  


Voter Information for 2023 Municipal Elections

There are three different ways that registered Florida voters can vote: by mail, in-person at early voting sites in their county, or in-person at their assigned polling location on Election Day. However, it is important to note that early voting is not offered for some municipal elections. 

Voters who have any questions about the voting process or encounter problems can contact the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. The hotline will be staffed live on March 7, March 14 and March 21, with trained volunteers available to support.


Voters who choose to votar pelo correio deve:

  •  Request a vote-by-mail ballot through their county Supervisor do escritório de eleições. Note that all Florida voters who want to vote by mail must renew their vote-by-mail request this year, a change from past elections. 
  •  Sign the back of the ballot return envelope.
  •  Make sure the ballot is received by their county election office by 7 p.m. on Election Day (postmark date is not enough).

Voters can track their mail ballot online to make sure it was received OK. If there is a problem with the voter’s signature on their vote-by-mail ballot, the voter has until 5 p.m. on the second day after Election Day to submit the paperwork to correct their signature. 

Note: Common Cause Florida recommends mailing in ballots at least 10 days in advance or dropping signed ballots off in Secure Ballot Intake Stations available at county elections offices and early voting sites during hours of operation.  


As pessoas também podem votar antecipadamente pessoalmente nos locais de votação antecipada do condado.

  • Not every municipality will be offering early voting hours for these local elections.  Voters can look up early voting locations, dates and times through their county elections office aqui.
  • Os eleitores podem usar qualquer local de votação antecipada em seu condado para votar pessoalmente ou entregar cédulas pelo correio em estações de coleta de cédulas seguras.
  • Você deve fornecer uma foto/identidade de identificação válida para votar pessoalmente na Flórida durante a votação antecipada ou no dia da eleição. Existem 12 formas aceitáveis de identificação, com a lista disponível aqui.


Aqueles que querem vote in-person on Election Day must:

  • Traga um documento de identificação válido (não vencido) com foto/assinatura.
  • Vote no distrito eleitoral correto para sua residência atual. Os eleitores podem procurar seus distritos eleitorais aqui. In some cases, Election Day polling locations may be different for municipal elections. Voters are advised to pay attention to any notices provided by their county Supervisor of Elections or call their Supervisor of Elections if they have questions.
  • Chegue às urnas durante o horário de votação. As urnas ficam abertas das 7h às 19h
  • Qualquer eleitor na fila para votar às 19h deve ter permissão para votar. 



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