Hãy bỏ phiếu KHÔNG cho Tu chính án số 6 vào tháng 11 năm 2024: Bởi vì cử tri nên là người có ảnh hưởng đến cuộc bầu cử, chứ không phải những nhà tài trợ lớn. Hãy cam kết!

TƯ VẤN TRUYỀN THÔNG: Kiểm tra tính logic và độ chính xác cho cuộc Tổng tuyển cử năm 2024 đã bắt đầu vào tuần này trên khắp Florida

WHAT: This week, Florida’s Supervisors of Elections began publicly testing voting  equipment that will be used in the 2024 General Election, including precinct ballot scanners, ballot marking devices, and tabulators that will be used for vote-by-mail ballots and central counting, as well as any independent auditing scanners.

Public notice of this public testing must be posted at least 48 hours beforehand, and testing must happen within 25 days before early voting is scheduled to begin in the county. The testing process generally takes around 2 hours.

“Logic & Accuracy testing is a process that is open for the public to watch the ballot scanners and vote tabulation machines being tested to ensure they are functioning properly and starting with a zero count before any voting begins,” said Amy Keith, giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Florida.  “This public transparency and testing provide confidence for Floridians that our elections are safe and secure. Trained volunteers with the Florida Election Protection Coalition will be present in many counties to observe Logic & Accuracy testing as part of this open public process.” 

WHO: The county Canvassing Board, which is comprised of the Supervisor of Elections, a county judge, and a representative from the County Board of Commissioners, oversees the testing that is conducted by the Supervisor of Elections’ staff. In the counties where the Supervisor of Elections is running for election or reelection on the ballot, an alternate has been named to take their place on the Canvassing Board.

WHEN: Testing could begin as early as October 1, with each county choosing the date of its testing. Testing will be occurring over the next 2 weeks.

WHERE: All 67 Counties. The date, time and location of Logic & Accuracy Testing will be posted on each county’s Supervisor of Elections website at least 48 hours prior to testing. 




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