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Grassroots Groups Urge Gov. DeSantis to Veto Anti-Voter Bill

"We are particularly concerned that SB 90, by design, seeks to silence voters’ voices based on what they look like or where they come from," the organizations said.

This morning, two dozen organizations sent Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a letter urging him to veto the anti-voter bill, SB 90.

The letter said the legislation “will create barriers for eligible Floridians to exercise their freedom to vote  by making mail ballots less accessible and more difficult to cast, severely limiting voter assistance, and making it more difficult for community voter registration drives to do their critical outreach. We ask you to do the right thing by Florida voters, stand by your pride in Florida’s 2020 election administration, and veto this harmful bill.”

“We are particularly concerned that SB 90, by design, seeks to silence voters’ voices based on what they look like or where they come from,” the organizations said.

Organizations that signed the letter include:

Fair Elections Center
All Voting Is Local Action
ACLU của Florida
Dự án tiến bộ
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Florida Region
Nguyên nhân chung Florida
Emgage Action Florida
Quỹ hành động bình đẳng
Đức tin ở Florida
Faith in Public Life
Liên minh khôi phục quyền Florida
Florida tăng
The League of Women Voters of Florida
Hội nghị tiểu bang NAACP Florida
National Haitian American Elected Officials Network
People Over Profits
Tiến trình Florida
1199 SEIU
Sierra Club Florida
Southern Poverty Law Center Action
State Voices Florida
Voter Participation Center
Voting Rights Lab
Women Talk Black

Đọc toàn bộ bức thư đây.


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