对第六修正案投反对票,因为您不应该必须富有才能竞选公职。 宣誓投反对票!




三周前,佛罗里达州 30 多个组织致信立法领导人,敦促他们“确保问责制和开放、可访问和透明的流程,以便公众能够提出有意义的意见”。由于这些组织反对的政策基本保持不变,这些组织举行了一次媒体吹风会,强调需要无障碍技术、公众作证程序和其他方法,以确保立法机构提供充足的公众意见机会。

“Transparency and accountability in the legislative process is critical to the public trust.”

Three weeks ago, a group of more than 30 Florida organizations wrote to legislative leaders urging them to “ensure that the remaining committee weeks and 2021 legislative session have structures and systems in place to ensure accountability and an open, accessible, and transparent process that allows for meaningful input from the public.”
With the policies the organizations object to remaining largely unchanged, the groups held a media briefing this morning to highlight the need for accessible technology, procedures for public testimony and other methods to ensure that the Legislature provides ample opportunities for public input.

The media briefing recording is available 这里.

Today’s speakers included:
Common Cause Florida Executive Director Anjenys Gonzalez-Eilert
League of Women Voters of Florida President Patti Brigham
State Voices Florida Executive Director Juanica Fernandez
Southern Poverty Law Center Florida Policy Director Carrie Boyd
Florida People’s Advocacy Center Executive Director Karen Woodall
Florida Rising Senior Director of Advocacy & Programs Moné Holder
AFLCIO Director of Politics and Public Policy Rich Templin
Senior Public Policy Analyst for Disability Rights Florida Olivia Babis
four constituents impacted by the lack of public access

Read the groups’ February 1, 2021 letter 这里.

Read the February 1, 2021 press release 这里.

Read the February 11, 2021 press release 这里.



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