Dépôt légal

Washington Post contre McManus

En août 2018, le Washington Post, le Baltimore Sun et d'autres journaux locaux ont poursuivi l'État du Maryland, contestant la constitutionnalité de la loi sur la divulgation du financement des campagnes électorales récemment promulguée par l'État, qui oblige certaines « plateformes en ligne » à collecter et à mettre à la disposition du public des informations sur les groupes et les individus qui paient pour placer des publicités politiques sur ces plateformes en ligne.

In August 2018, the Washington Post, Baltimore Sun and other local newspapers sued the state of Maryland challenging the constitutionality (under the First Amendment) of the state’s recently-enacted campaign finance disclosure law that requires certain “online platforms,” including the websites of these newspapers, to collect and make available to the public information about groups and individuals that pay to place political ads on the publications’ online platforms. The newspapers sought a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the state’s new disclosure law.

In September 2018, the Campaign Legal Center and Common Cause Maryland filed an amici brief in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland supporting the state and opposing the newspapers’ motion for preliminary injunction, arguing that the new Maryland disclosure law is constitutional and facilitates public access to information about the sources and financing of online political advertising. Additionally, the disclosure law will also help law enforcement root out foreign interference in Maryland elections.

Cliquez ici to read plaintiffs Washington Post et al. preliminary injunction brief (filed August 17, 2018).

Cliquez ici to read Campaign Legal Center and Common Cause Maryland amici brief in opposition to motion for preliminary injunction (filed September 24, 2018).

Cliquez ici to read Common Cause Maryland press release regarding amici brief filing (September 25, 2018).



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