Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Hails Maine Vote for Accountable Elections

As is their custom, Mainers are leading the way for the nation.
As is their custom, Mainers are leading the way for the nation. In 1996, they adopted the first statewide system for public financing of elections. Their strong vote today for accountable elections further underscores their determination to make our democracy work for everyone; it reflects the sentiments of millions of Americans who are determined to rein in the power of big money and refocus our politics on issues important to citizens.  
In approving Question 1, Maine has shifted the discussion about money in politics away from the problems caused by the Citoyens Unis decision to a focus on how and when states will solve them. Mainers have determined that those who break the election laws will be held accountable, that future Maine voters will know who is spending money to influence votes, and that future candidates will be able to run and win without relying on big money donors.



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