2423 results

L'enquête sur l'affaire Trump-Russie doit examiner une possible obstruction à la justice par le président

De nouvelles révélations sur les circonstances du limogeage du directeur du FBI James Comey par le président Trump exigent que l'enquête ajoute une possible obstruction à la justice à la liste des crimes potentiels commis par le président et son équipe.

As 2014 Election Approaches, Report Examines State Progress – Or Lack Of It – In Fixing Problems Behind 2012 Voting Woes

The problems behind the long lines, clerical errors and misallocated resources that bedeviled the 2012 election remain unaddressed in many states as the 2014 campaign enters its final days, according to a new report from Common Cause.

Disney : un autre exemple troublant de censure des médias d'entreprise

The Guardian: Texas Democrats set example by facing down Republican voting rights assault

“I hope it sends a really strong message to Democrats in Congress, especially in the Senate, that these fights are especially important. Democracy is literally at risk and you have to do absolutely everything you possibly can do,” said Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of the Texas chapter of Common Cause, a government watchdog group. “This wasn’t Democrats shutting down the rules. This was them using every single thing to their advantage, taking a stand to protect voting rights.”

An Example Worth Following

Amid the chaos surrounding President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow served up a bit of helpful perspective.

Trendsetting States Setting a Bad Example

Iowa and New Hampshire set the trends for presidential elections.Let’s hope that their influence does not extend to election laws.

Another example of abuse of power in Hawaii’s legislative process: inserting unrelated language & gut and replace

Wisconsin Examiner: What a temper tantrum by the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s chief justice tells us

“Look, the conservatives sowed this,” Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause-Wisconsin, observes of the bad blood on the Court. “They sowed discord.”

“What’s happening now is a direct result of conservatives’ decision they’d take all this underground and not meet in public,” says Heck.

Given their track record, “If conservatives were the new majority there would be no question about what they’d do,” Heck adds. “They’d name a conservative chief justice and say, ‘We have a 4-3...

Nebraska Examiner: Betsy DeVos, two others spent big on Nebraska legislative races

Gavin Geis of Common Cause Nebraska said he has seen outside spending every year in Nebraska legislative races, “but not like this.” He said the increased spending by such groups drives up the costs for ordinary Nebraskans to run for public office.

“I have never seen an organization like this spend this much money and be almost exclusively funded by out-of-state interests,” Geis said. “This is the biggest cash dump I’ve seen in a long time.”

Wisconsin Examiner: Bipartisan vote tracking measure brings parties together on elections

“My concern always is that a generally positive measure like this might later during the legislative process be amended to include some onerous (anti-voting ) provision which then makes it impossible to support the overall measure,” says Jay Heck of Common Cause Wisconsin. “That occurred a few times in the last session with some voting measures.”

One positive aspect of SB-39 is that it’s a stand-alone measure, Heck says, “rather than the mixed packages of bills we saw last session on elections and voting where some...



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