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Albany Tines Union (Éditorial) : Ces mesures protégeraient l'intégrité des élections à New York

L'année 2023 a été une épreuve difficile pour les élections à New York. Les électeurs ont dû faire face à des batailles juridiques persistantes concernant le redécoupage des circonscriptions et à un scandale électoral au Congrès qui a retenu l'attention nationale. Il n'est pas surprenant que la confiance dans le gouvernement continue de diminuer à l'échelle nationale. Avec la modification des limites du Congrès et l'approche d'une saison électorale controversée, les électeurs sont confrontés à une année encore plus chargée.

C'est pourquoi les législateurs doivent travailler rapidement pour mettre en place des garde-fous qui comblent les lacunes existantes dans nos lois et protègent les électeurs contre la menace de...

Public News Service: Good-government groups speak out after fentanyl sent to CA elections office

Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of California Common Cause, said while no one was hurt, the attempt to poison or kill an election worker is despicable.

"It's to destabilize our elections and to scare the public servants who run them," Mehta Stein pointed out. "And to make all of us more fearful of participating in our democracy."

Mehta Stein blamed the rise in threats to election workers on the litany of false conspiracy theories claiming the 2020 election was rigged.

"We have to find a way...

Public News Service : Les groupes de défense du droit de vote qualifient les efforts déployés pour la convention constitutionnelle de menace pour la démocratie

Geoff Foster, directeur exécutif de Common Cause Massachusetts, a déclaré qu'il n'existe aucune règle dans la Constitution sur la manière de gouverner une convention et qu'aucune garantie, même le Premier Amendement, ne serait sûre.

« Il y a un grand risque et un grand potentiel de préjudice pour tout ce qui est déjà inscrit dans notre Constitution si nous ouvrons cette boîte de Pandore », a averti Foster.

Foster a souligné qu’une convention pourrait potentiellement permettre aux délégués non élus et aux groupes d’intérêts particuliers d’inscrire leur programme dans un document fondateur.

Sacramento Bee/Yahoo! News (Op-Ed): What has California’s Voters Choice Act helped accomplish?

While the Voters Choice Act was never intended to be a panacea for all voting challenges facing California, one thing is very clear: The law is a reform worth revisiting and reinvesting in, and still holds promise for expanding electoral participation across the state and across many voting groups.

Colorado Newsline: Trump brief asks Supreme Court to put ‘decisive end’ to 14th Amendment challenges

Colorado Common Cause, which supported the plaintiffs’ case with an amicus, or friend-of-the-court, brief before the Colorado Supreme Court, on Friday urged the U.S. Supreme Court “to set a critical legal precedent to safeguard the future of American democracy.”

“The Supreme Court must embrace its role as an active defender of our Constitution, or else it may crumble under the immense pressure it will surely face in the years to come,” Aly Belknap, the group’s executive director, said in a statement.

PolitiFact: FALSE: “Illegal immigrants now have the right to vote in New York.”

Susan Lerner, the executive director of the voting rights group Common Cause New York, said that only U.S. citizens can vote in New York state.

"Permanent residents and people authorized to work here are documented and approved by the federal government," Lerner said. "They pay state and federal taxes, and pay into Social Security as well. In many cases, they’ve lived in the United States for decades. There is nothing ‘illegal’ about them."

Yahoo! News/Providence Journal: ‘Relentless grind’: Providence City Council is a big job. Some members aren’t always doing it.

"Certainly the fact that it is very low-paying, that’s kind of a reflection of the value that has pervaded for a long time in America – that legislatures should be made up of regular citizens or residents of the state or city that they’re representing," said John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island. "But we know that it can result in bodies not being necessarily as representative of a community as [they] could be because the lack of pay means that people who don’t have flexible jobs or don’t have a source of...

New York Times: Candidates Lay Groundwork For Fraud Cries Before Caucuses

“This follows the general playbook, the election denier playbook of just pre-emptively laying the groundwork for claims of fraud in the event of a loss,” said Emma Steiner, the Information Accountability Project Manager at Common Cause. “It’s sort of future-proofing.”

Texas Tribune/San Antonio Express-News: Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi backed a group with white supremacist ties — while working for its billionaire funder

Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause Texas, said Rinaldi’s legal representation of Wilks was “shocking,” especially in light of the ongoing scandals involving Defend Texas Liberty that Rinaldi has been involved in.

“We all know money equals power in Texas politics and billionaires like the Wilks use their wealth liberally to bend public policy to their liking all the time,” he said. “But it's still pretty shocking.”

Yahoo! News/Kansas City Star: Do you trust far-right politicians working to remake the Kansas and US Constitutions?

“The delegates could write amendments that revoke any of our most cherished rights — like our right to peaceful protest, our freedom of religion, or our right to privacy,” the progressive watchdog group Common Cause warns. Hyperbole? Maybe. The point is we simply don’t know.



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