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Common Cause Discusses Redistricting Reform on Oregon Community Radio

Common Cause National Redistricting Coordinator Dan Vicuna and Oregon Executive Director Kate Titus went on Oregon community radio to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding the right of the people to create unbiased citizen redistricting commissions.

Common Cause Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

Common Cause Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

Common Cause Ohio Weighs in on Constitutional Modernization Commission’s Redistricting Fail

Columbus Dispatch article on Ohio Constitutional Modernization Commission redistricting fail

California ethics commission is at a crossroads – latimes.com

Conference Committee Approves Comprehensive Election Modernization

The Long Arm of the National Security-Communications Industry Complex

This is a story about more than just the national security implications of government surveillance, but it begins there.

Accords communautaires de l'équipe d'action pour une cause commune

Boston Globe: R.I. Ethics Commission appointee resigns after Globe investigation into sexual harassment complaints

After hearing the news of the resignation, Common Cause Rhode Island executive director John M. Marion said, “It is a relief that Mr. Da Cruz will not be serving on the Ethics Commission. We are glad Governor McKee has acknowledged that the vetting process was flawed. We urge him to do due diligence when making future appointments.”

Ethics Commission members should be carefully vetted because the panel has “extraordinary powers” provided for in the state constitution and because those appointments do not require the...

Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: Rigged legislative districts boost partisanship, diminish compromise: Civil Discourse Initiative

The reform proposals that voters adopted during the last decade to stop gerrymandering were thwarted because redistricting remained in the hands of politicians, says Common Cause Ohio Executive Director Catherine Turcer.

Now, she’s supporting a new citizen initiative that would put an independent citizen commission in charge of mapmaking. She said states that redistricted through independent citizen commissions got legislative and congressional district lines that didn’t unfairly favor one party or another.

Le procès pour le silence de Trump débutera 6 ans après le dépôt d'une plainte auprès du ministère de la Justice par Common Cause

Aujourd'hui, un juge de New York a rejeté la demande de Donald Trump de faire annuler les accusations criminelles portées contre lui pour avoir versé de l'argent à Stormy Daniels pour garder secrète leur liaison à la veille de l'élection présidentielle de 2016. Le procès débutera six ans après que Common Cause a déposé des plaintes liées à ces paiements auprès du ministère de la Justice et de la Commission électorale fédérale. La sélection du jury devrait commencer le 25 mars.



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