2423 results

President Trump & Michael Cohen Added to Amended DOJ & FEC Complaints Related to $130K Stormy Daniels Hush Money Payment

Today, Common Cause is filing amended complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to include President Trump himself as well as his personal attorney Michael Cohen for their roles in what appear to be numerous violations of campaign finance law related to the $130,000 hush money payment to Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. Stormy Daniels) just weeks before the 2016 election. The amended filings come in light of new details, in the form of court filings, public statements and published reports, that have...

Common Cause demande au tribunal de bloquer la décision de la FCC qui met en danger les médias minoritaires

Common Cause fait partie d’une coalition de groupes exhortant une cour d’appel fédérale à annuler une décision de la Commission fédérale des communications qui menace la survie des médias appartenant à des minorités.

DOJ & FEC Complaints Urge Full Investigation of Apparent Illegal Coordination Between Trump and RNC & Outside Groups

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that President Trump and his campaign, Vice President Pence and his leadership PAC, the Republican National Committee (RNC), and a number of aides violated numerous campaign finance laws by coordinating “soft money” fundraising and spending with the Super PAC America First Action (AFA) and the dark money group America First Policies (AFP).

Des plaintes déposées auprès du ministère de la Justice et de la FEC contre le président Trump, sa campagne et American Media Inc. pour des dépenses coordonnées illégales et non déclarées de $150K en faveur d'une ancienne playmate de Playboy

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that American Media, Inc.’s August 2016 payment of $150,000 to former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal, to buy and bury her story of an affair with Donald J. Trump, was for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election and was coordinated with Donald Trump’s attorney and agent Michael Cohen—making it an illegal corporate in-kind contribution to the 2016 Trump campaign. Additionally, the...

RESPONSE: In PA, Common Cause Wants Equitable, Fair, Transparent Maps

Common Cause and Common Cause Pennsylvania issued statements today after Gov. Tom Wolf officially rejected the maps that Republican leadership submitted Friday to redraw the commonwealth’s 18 congressional districts in response to a state Supreme Court ruling in January that found the legislative borders to be unconstitutionally gerrymandered.

Common Cause accueille Yosef Getachew au poste de directeur du programme Médias et démocratie

Common Cause a le plaisir d'annoncer que Yosef Getachew a rejoint Common Cause en tant que directeur du programme Médias et démocratie. Getachew travaillera en étroite collaboration avec l'ancien commissaire de la FCC et conseiller spécial de Common Cause, Michael Copps, et dirigera des campagnes visant à mobiliser le public et les décideurs politiques sur des initiatives clés, notamment la promotion d'un Internet ouvert, la promotion de la concurrence sur le marché des médias et la garantie d'un accès au haut débit pour tous les Américains.

Common Cause Pennsylvania exhorte la législature à voter contre le projet de loi HB153

Sur la base de notre examen approfondi du projet de loi 153 de la Chambre, qui réduit la taille de la législature, Common Cause Pennsylvania recommande fortement un vote NON sur le projet de loi.

Common Cause Files & Coordinates Bipartisan Amici in Landmark Supreme Court Challenge to Maryland Democrats’ Partisan Gerrymander

Today, Common Cause joined an ideologically diverse group of governors, members of Congress, local government leaders, and others in filing amicus briefs urging the Supreme Court to put an end to partisan gerrymandering. On March 28, the Court will hear arguments in Benisek v. Lamone, a First Amendment challenge to Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District, which Democrats drew after the 2010 census in a successful attempt to defeat a longtime Republican incumbent. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs, it could result in a...

Common Cause Endorses & Will Push Michigan Anti-Gerrymandering Ballot Proposal to Put Voters Before Politicians

After an overwhelming vote by Common Cause Michigan members, the organization has endorsed and will advocate for the passage of the Voters Not Politicians anti-gerrymandering constitutional amendment.

Common Cause Urges Congress to Investigate Hush Money Payment Arranged by Trump’s Personal Lawyer

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to uphold its oversight responsibilities and investigate what appears to be a hush money payment to an adult film actress arranged by President Trump’s personal attorney just prior to the 2016 election. The call follows complaints filed yesterday with the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission.



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