2425 results

Common Cause, Allies Urge 2016 Candidates to Embrace “Fighting Big Money” Agenda

To ensure that presidential candidates do more than pay lip service to curbing the influence of money in politics, Common Cause joined other leading advocates today to focus voters and candidates on a detailed “21st Century Democracy Agenda” to modernize and strengthen government of, by, and for the people.

Common Cause, Allies, Win Major Victory Over Gerrymandering in Florida

Florida’s highest court has delivered a major victory to Common Cause and other opponents of gerrymandering, tossing out a set of congressional districts drawn to protect Republican lawmakers and ordering the state legislature to fashion new districts.

Common Cause Hails D.C. Circuit Decision on Campaign Contributions by Federal Contractors

“The court unanimously supports the public’s vital interest in stopping government corruption, but the case didn’t address the anonymous contributions federal contractors make to secret dark money groups that perpetuate pay to play corruption. With an executive order requiring disclosure of political spending by federal contractors, President Obama can attack these shady practices that hurt businesses and taxpayers, and shift the national debate from the problem of money in our political system, to solutions the public...

Common Cause Hails Supreme Court Decision Upholding Citizen Redistricting

Today’s decision affirms Abraham Lincoln’s declaration that ours is a government of, by and for the people.

Common Cause Hails Introduction of Voting Rights Advancement Act

This morning, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the “Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015” – a bill that would reinvigorate a law that, for 50 years, ensured Americans could freely and fairly vote, without fear of discrimination.

Common Causers to Rally for Voting Rights in Roanoke

Common Cause activists will be among hundreds of citizens gathering in Roanoke, VA’s Elmwood Park on Thursday to urge Rep. Bob Goodlatte – and all members of Congress – to restore the federal Voting Rights Act to full strength.

Common Cause pleure les fusillades de Charleston

« Nous nous joignons à nos compatriotes de Caroline du Sud et aux Américains de bonne volonté du monde entier pour pleurer le meurtre insensé de notre ami, le révérend Clementa C. Pinckney, et de huit autres fidèles à l'église AME Emanuel de Charleston, mercredi. Nos cœurs sont brisés pour les familles des disparus, la communauté de Charleston et la nation.

Common Cause Urges Independent Probe of Presidential Race Fundraising

Bush Announcement Highlights Gaps In Enforcement of Campaign Finance Laws

Common Cause Urges ‘Deliberate, Transparent Process’ for Review of Trade Deal

With the House of Representatives preparing to vote on President Obama’s request for special “fast track” authority to finalize a massive international trade agreement, Common Cause cautioned members of Congress today to insist on a deliberate, transparent process for review of the deal.

Common Cause, Allies Blast Hogan Veto of Voting Rights Bill

Common Cause and allied organizations condemned Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of legislation extending voting rights to thousands of released prisoners.



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