2423 results

Washington Post: New York’s redistricting tests Democratic opposition to gerrymandering

“It was a hallmark of the Cuomo administration to introduce bold measures to make great headlines that have little to no substance. The redistricting deal is that kind of deal,” said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, which did not support the referendum, declaring it inadequate. “Clearly the desperate desire for a deal overcame good governance.”

So far, critics like Lerner have been right. In its first attempt this year to draw new maps, the commission couldn’t agree, with Democrats drafting...

New York Post: Ajit Pai becomes latest ex-FCC chairman to join a private equity firm

Former FCC Chairman Michael Copps found the news disappointing. He said commissioners tend to be more sympathetic to private equity firms and corporations when they are commissioners if they know that they might also, one day, become their future employers.

“We have a serious revolving door problem at the FCC,” Copps told The Post. “This is not encouraging.”

Private equity firms often put too much debt on media companies and do not have the public interest in mind, according to Copps. He raised the present...

The New Yorker: Donald Trump’s Latest Grift May Be His Most Cynical Yet

In an interview with S. V. Date, of HuffPost, Paul S. Ryan, a campaign-finance lawyer at the watchdog group Common Cause, used more colloquial language. “It’ll be a slush fund,” he said. Whereas the rules governing campaign pacs are fairly strict, the rules for leadership pacs are scandalously lax. OpenSecrets notes that some politicians use such funds to make campaign donations to other candidates in their party. Trump could end up doing this, too, but he also has many other options, including directing some of the donations to...

News & Observer: False testimony in NC gerrymandering trial? Judges exclude GOP expert witness claims.

“His testimony in his direct (examination) is just incorrect,” said Daniel Jacobson, a lawyer who represents the redistricting reform group Common Cause NC. “The numbers are wrong.” The three-judge panel overseeing the case agreed to strike parts of Johnson’s testimony.

Témoignage contre l'offre des frères Koch de racheter les journaux Tribune

Salon/Yahoo! News : « Déséquilibre des pouvoirs » : un expert estime que le témoignage accablant de Stormy Daniels pourrait être « très préjudiciable » à Trump

Le groupe de surveillance Common Cause a déposé une plainte affirmant que le paiement était une « contribution en nature » à la campagne de Trump, mais la FEC n'a pas soutenu la recommandation de son conseiller juridique général d'enquêter dans un contexte d'impasse partisane.

Cohen a finalement plaidé coupable de violations du financement électoral et a déclaré que la Trump Organization l'avait remboursé.

Capitol Beat News Service: Paper ballots focus of latest election reform push

Anne Herring, policy analyst for Common Cause Georgia, raised concerns about the latter provision.

“The governor and lieutenant governor get to vote on whether their own races will be audited,” Herring told LaHood’s committee. “That’s a little concerning to me in terms of public confidence in elections.”

Tampa Bay Times: Tampa election first locally to test new absentee ballot law

“Tampa is a huge city. A major city and it’s one of the first (to deal with the new law),” said Amy Keith, program director for Common Cause Florida, a branch of the national voting rights and government accountability organization.

The extra step required to request a mail ballot for each election makes accessing a ballot harder, especially for the disabled, elderly, working poor and other groups, Keith said.

“It makes it harder to participate, for people to have their voice heard and have a say,” Keith...

2018 Partisan Gerrymandering Writing Competition

U.S. Census Bureau Releases New Format of Data for a More Participatory Redistricting Process

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau will release population data from the 2020 Census in an easy-to-use format for Americans who want to advocate for fair maps in this year’s redistricting cycle. The new format of the data will be made available to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico and will be key to increasing participation in the ongoing redistricting efforts.



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