2423 results

The Guardian: The right to a free and fair vote in America might rest on this landmark court case

“I think the eyes of the nation are watching to see what happens here,” said Bob Phillips, the state director of the advocacy group Common Cause, a plaintiff in the case. “For other states, it might be, ‘Hey, if it can be done in North Carolina, it might be done in your state’. That’s what we tell advocates around the country.”

Detroit Free Press: Michigan Supreme Court says let voters decide gerrymandering proposal

Kathay Feng, national redistricting director for Common Cause, which supports the ballot proposal, said, “This all-volunteer effort started so citizens could end a corrupt system in which self-interested politicians manipulate districts for political advantage behind closed doors. Now Michigan voters will have the opportunity to make their voices heard.”

Loi sur la liberté de vote de 2023 aux États-Unis

État des lieux : la loi sur la liberté de vote

Nous sommes plus proches que jamais d’obtenir la législation sur le droit de vote la plus transformatrice depuis une génération.

Trump’s Anti-Media Campaign and the Threat to Press Freedom

Newly published polls suggest President Trump's campaign to discredit the media is working

Les attaques de Trump contre les médias portent atteinte à la liberté de la presse

Les attaques répétées du président Trump contre les journalistes et ce qu’il appelle les « fake news » compromettent la liberté de la presse à un moment où les journaux et les radiodiffuseurs sont déjà aux prises avec une baisse des revenus d’abonnement et de publicité.

Trump Order on Religious Freedom Is Less Than It Appears

President Trump demonstrated again today that alchemy, of the political variety at least, is among his hidden talents.

Free Speech Is Taking a Beating in the Senate

Sen. Elizabeth Warren was kicked off the Senate floor after repeating statements that had been made there more than 30 years ago

The Fundraising Free February Pledge

I, ____________, solemnly pledge to devote each session day of the month of February 2015 to the official duties of my office as a member of the United States House of Representatives, without the distraction of electoral fundraising or other political campaign-related activities.

Williams-Yulee Is Not About Free Speech, It’s About Judicial Integrity

The Supreme Court is hearing a case tomorrow that threatens to further politicize the bench at a time of skyrocketing spending in judicial races.



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